Swirl Shawl – all the rage!

Our supply of Jojoland Superwash Melody is dwindling as well as the Swirl Shawl patterns and I found myself wondering why.  Hmm, the Yarn Harlot has posted!  She is now knitting the scarf version of this:

Picture of Swirl Shawl

Once you get going with the pattern, its a fairly easy knit.  Just buy 5 balls of Superwash Melody from:  https://knittingtoday.com/go.mvc?ID=melodysuperwash and the Swirl Shawl pattern which is conveniently on the same page! 

If you have this pattern and yarn, please post and let me know how you are coming along!!!!  We’ll have a sample to show you sometime in 2010, I’m guessing.  Its hard to put a part of it on display since you attach as you go . . .

 P.S.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I am thankful for you!

3 thoughts on “Swirl Shawl – all the rage!”

  1. I was wondering if you would feel the effect of her posting about this scarf/shawl on her blog. Apparently you did. I know where the pattern is but the yarn is somewere in storage. Unfortunately anything I bring up must go back down so I am trying to limit what I bring up. Hope you had a good holiday.

  2. LeAnne…is this entrelac? You know how well I do with that! Anyway, it’s beautiful and I can see it being a spring project. 🙂

  3. nope, each motif is knit from the outside in. You pick up along one edge, cast on and knit from the outside in again. Just keep doing that until it is done. . .

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