Short Row Pennants

Knit One Crochet Too - Short Row Pennants

You know how sometimes you see a pattern and think “eh, it’s okay, but I’m not sure it’s for me” and then you see it done up and it completely changes your mind?  Happens to me all the time, and it happened again when Lyn brought in the Short Row Pennants cardigan from Knit One, Crochet Too, knit in Ty-Dy Wool color 1745 Grapes.  Lovely.  (I think I would probably lean towards Minerals or Stormy Seas, myself.)    The yoke is a K1,P1 rib and the bodice is comprised of 5 pennants. 

Short Row Pennants - Back

The sleeves also have 5 pennants, beginning at the wrist, topped off with a stockinette sleeve cap.   I really like how the few rows of garter stitch between the pennants provides just a bit of extra definition.  I especially like the back, as the pennants go across the entire piece. You can get the full effect, and the striping works well with the width of the pennants.  Doesn’t it look cool?  I can’t help but think that the design would be kind to one’s figure, what with the color play confusing the eye and all that. 

Lest you be thinking that you are done with wool for now, thank you anyway, we have two new colors of Ty-Dy Cotton. There are new patterns on the way, as well. Just in time for warmer weather.  We’ll let you know as soon as they arrive.

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