Mountain Colors - Crazyfoot

Fresh off the UPS truck and in my hot little hands- and Lea-Ann isn’t even here to see it.  This is the newest sock yarn from Mountain Colors- a superwash/nylon blend sans mohair.  It’s been on order for quite some time.  I have fondled it and smelled it (I must admit I was a bit disappointed as Mountain Colors usually has a wonderful vinegar-ish smell and it is absent) and oggled every colorway.  They called last week to approve the shipment and I have been not so patiently waiting for it to come in.  I am a huge Mountain Colors fan – the colors seem so intense and vibrant to me.  Even the darker, more somber tones seem alive.   Yeah, I know all the Thursday knit night ladies are practically foaming at the mouth to get their hands on this but since I won’t be here I may have to hide the box- at least until I get scans for the internet.  Wouldn’t that be slightly wicked of me?

Edited 4/8/10  Lea-Ann is concerned that we’re going to get spam because I used the words “oggled” and “fondled”.  Ooops, I said it again!  Boy, add that to the talk in a previous post  of drug deals and inhaling and an unnamed previous president will be all over this.

2 thoughts on “I SAW IT FIRST!!”

  1. Oh you better have some left by UFO night!! I love it.. I am supposed to be on a yarn diet, but I may have to cheat!! It’s always the sock yarn…

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