with a little help from some friends . . .

a big thank you to Lisa, Patti and Carli — you know, sometimes the pile just gets overwhelming and it takes some friends to help straighten it out.  It took 4 hours to sort through the stack on the table, my desk, and my shelves and voila, now I can think again!  Do you ever feel like that?  So overwhelmed that you just don’t know which way to turn or what project to pick up?  And, before you ask, NO, I will not show you a picture of the before and after, but I will give you a list of my top ten UFOs:

Cross Stitch Scarf (Andy’s Merino II, 101 Designer One Skein Wonders) – finishing today
Wristers (1 strand fingering wool, 1 strand mohair, my own design)  – 1 down, 1 to go
Mexiko Socks (for moi’, 2 at a time, toe up, jojo heel, stretchy cast off) – at the heel, travel knitting
Peg’s Sweater – repair for a customer
Marilyn’s Sweater – Sally’s Favorite Summer Sweater finish for a customer
Penny’s Baby Sweater repair – Baby Uhl newborn design – I LOVE this yarn!
Felted Snowman – a quick, fun project, I’ve been working on it for almost a year I think
Vicky’s Prayer Shawl – finish by October for the Chilifest
Wrap Me Up – this moved back to my top ten when the sisters from Goshen stopped by with a little show and tell and one of them had this done in a combination of Noro, Donegal, and other odds and ends
Filigree Lace Shawl – this will remain on my to do list for a long time since it takes forever to get across a row — anyone interested in a lace knitalong to encourage me?
Ring of Lace Shawl – had to tear out and restart on bigger needles.  This one is the most likely to become something else (I sort of like Anita’s feather and fan scarf she brought in better but am not quite ready to give up on this design yet).

There you have it, the top ten UFOs.  The other UFOs went in a container (or two) in the back room. I think they’ll let me pull another one out when I have one finished.  Or maybe I can start another one when I have one finished.  Now, perhaps, I can concentrate on getting my list of classes ready for the fall.  Classes will be Tuesday evenings, Thursday mornings and Saturdays all day.  I have a list started, but not all the samples are done.  I really like to concentrate on techniques vs. projects, can’t you tell? 

Okay, tell me your Top Ten! 

7 thoughts on “with a little help from some friends . . .”

  1. Ok, I don’t have a top ten.. but it’s close.
    1. Finish Vanilla sock in Noro silk.. one done, the other 3/4’s done, going to be a Christmas present.
    2. Finish Muscari Sock ( from Knitty summer 2008) with Opal.. I am loving this sock and it’s mine mine mine…
    3. Continue to work on Hey Teach, although I am only to lower back…
    4. Start and finish hat to go with Vest that I knit for my niece, whose birthday is in 8 days.
    5. Start sock for friend for Christmas.. it’s a Celtic sock pattern and I got the most beautiful green yarn..
    6. Finish boogy bag for friend, yes all I have to do is attach the I-cord handle, what am I waiting for? It’s already a belated birthday present..

    OK, when’s the next UFO night, I am there for sure!!

  2. Oh Natalie! You brave girl- being the first to disclose your “to do ” list. I am still completing the 2 pair of U of M socks- 1 pair down and the tops of the other are done- Thank Goodness- tired of looking at maize and blue- Lloyd Carr strike me dead!!! I want to make my Elsbeth Lavold sweater!!( Ondine) but will not start till these socks are done . I have a tank top knitted and waiting for me to sew it up- hate doing that part.
    I have been very good finishing my projects lastely because that is all I have going. See you next week LeAnn!

  3. Hmmm, Do I have 10 things? Not sure about that. Let’s see
    1. SKA September Mystery Sock, Clue 3 is out and I’m not done with clue two yet
    2. Lauren’s socks,need to finish ribbing.
    3. Great American Aran Afghan. This may be a work in progress for another three years. That’s how long I’ve been working (or not) on it so far
    4. Pacific Northwest Shawl. This one actually moves along slowly when I have time to concentrate. I’m up to the border.
    5. hats for Caps for Kids. I have soem done for next retreat. Well, done except for the seam that is.
    6. Soap Sacks, they are supposed to be done for Christmas, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.
    On the upside, I don’t think I actually have 10 things that are sitting around waiting to be finished.

  4. Well I don’t have 10, but it’s not for lack of trying.
    1. Noro Garden Silk Twist Socks
    2. Entrelac Scarf (gag)
    3. Vanilla Jitterbug Sock
    4. Woodlawn Wrap
    5. The Sweater That No Longer Is
    I frogged the thing, it just wasn’t going to happen. Now I can use the yarn to cast on for something I like better….or not who knows!
    Your welcome LeAnne, I really don’t feel like I did much but if it helped I am really glad.
    Sorry I missed knit night I HONESTLY forgot! I’ve had a migraine for the last four days because I ran out of my script. Luckily today it was filled…Blessed relief!
    Now I need to get knitting!!!!

  5. Pingback: KNews at Knitting Today » Blog Archive » Top Ten Update - Project #2 Penny’s Wristers

  6. Pingback: KNews at Knitting Today » Blog Archive » Add another one to the WIP list . . . .

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