While I was away

This is what happens when I’m gone for a week ….

New Opal

This is the new Opal sock yarn that came in while I was on vacation.  Notice anything odd about it?  Like that it has already been opened and very obviously ooohed and aaahed over? 🙂  Seems that when I miss UFO night everyone goes crazy!  Honestly, I can’t really blame them.  Who doesn’t like to check out the freshly arrived new stuff  just begging to be cast on?  For those of you who weren’t lucky enough to be here when Lea-Ann opened the box, I will have it online and ready for purchase as quickly as I can. 

Here’s a bonus sneak peek for you…

Serendipity Tweed and Wildfoote


Also arriving at my desk while I was sunning my toes was Serendipity Tweed and Wildfoote from Brown Sheep.    I really like the looks of the Serendipity Tweed- sort of a heathery look more than a tweedy look.  Love the colors, too.  Check back frequently over the next few weeks, as this will also be available online as quickly as humanly possible.

A few days before I started packing I decided that I needed a way to protect my Kindle in my suitcase and this is what I came up with:

Felted Kindle Sleeve
Kinle Sleeve open
I used double stranded Noro and eyeballed the size it would need to be before felting (measured my kindle and added 30% for the felting process).  I knit it one night at my daughter’s Math Bowl competition and felted it a few days later.  My favorite thing about it is the funky chunky button I found in my Grandma’s button jar.  I love the texture it adds and the way it pops off the front.  I am happy to say that it worked like a charm and my Kindle sustained no damage at all.
Recycled Silk Shawl
I needed an ultra simple project to knit while traveling that needed no counting or really even looking at as I cannot do anything requiring the slightest concentration or I get car sick (no reading in the car for me).  I dug through my stash and found several skeins of recycled silk that I have had for nearly forever so I threw some of them in a bag and made this shawl.  It was quick, very simple and almost finished when we arrived- which turned out to be a good thing because it was a bit chilly the first day so I threw it across my lap and finished it.  I actually wore it when we went out to eat one evening even though it hasn’t been blocked.  The bad thing is that I took nothing to knit on the way home!  Yeah, I know…. what a doofus.

Stay tuned for a few vacation pics and another sneak peek (maybe the best one yet?) tomorrow. I am so excited!

4 thoughts on “While I was away”

  1. Hi Susan, Two posts in as many days, wow! I was trying not to be the first to reply but what the hay? Where did you go for vacation and my curiosity is high waiting for those pictures. I sent a message to Lea-Ann but not sure if she got it, pertaining to latest info and a question about a pattern. The shawl looks great. I am currently working on a shawl also but no pictures up yet. New house is coming along, almost all the boxes out of the house with the rest in the garage waiting to be opened. Fwf had spring break the week we moved so that is why we were able to do so much but now that he is back to teaching things have slowed down. Why do you tempt me with such lovely yarn? I have declared this the year of the sock so I much start making them, correct? Or will next year be the year of the sock, who knows?

  2. I confess – I was an OOOOh-er on UFO night but only for the Cotton Lite. Can’t wait to see all colors of it. May be up next week during break

  3. I’m thinking that the Brown Sheep Serendipity Tweed would look super in the Abigail from C2Knits. Or even the Transverse Cardigan from Interweave Knits Spring 2010. Most sizes would take only 3-5 skeins!

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