Where do you go first?

We would like to know just where you find your information about Knitting Today . . . Poll will be open until October 30 and guess what — we have a project giveaway from the new Knitting Today! Magazine! Use the new share button and let all of your friends know about us so we can get as much feedback as possible about how you “connect” or “socialize” with Knitting Today. Register,  Log In and cast your vote right now!

[poll id=”1″]

ETA: You must be a registered user to vote.  I originally had it set so guests could take the poll too, but there is no way to track who is taking the poll for the giveaway then!  Whoops.  If you are one of the first nine people to take the poll, please post in the comments section so I know who you are and you can be registered for the drawing!

14 thoughts on “Where do you go first?”

  1. Haha, I voted Other since I’m the one who originates the posts. BUT, if Susan originates them, I usually find out about them in an RSS feed I have set up at Google Reader. So, I guess the official vote is for the Knews since the feed links to that. Does anyone else do this for the Blog?

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Where do you go first? « KNews at Knitting Today -- Topsy.com

  3. Since I don’t Tweet and only have Facebook to look for old friends, I get my news either from Ravelry, the website, or the store. I voted Ravlery because that is where I get most of my news.

  4. I had to post “other” because I usually find out what’s going on by text, email, notes strewn about my desk, etc. because I work here! 🙂

  5. Love you guys……planning to stop in Monday to find out more about that fancy glittery yarn that I’ve gotten and may special order 🙂

  6. Don’t know if I’m one of the first 9 or not, but I thought I would comment. I get my news form an email, then I look at this website. Thanks! Debbie in Alaska

  7. carolirene233@yahoo.com

    I usually get my news from the newsletter. I don’t tweet or do Facebook and I have only gone to Ravelry about twice. Not very computer literate and that website was difficult for me. Newsletters are best for me!


  8. I learned about Knitting Today first through e-mail, and then went onsite. I hope there may be articles about and patterns for knitting machines!

  9. I voted days ago but since I finally logged in again thought I would comment. I usually go to the web site first but do get info from both Facebook and Rav. I do not have a Twitter account.

  10. I voted “Other” – I usually go to Knitter’s Review first, even though traffic there has declined precipitously since Ravelry was founded.


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