UFO Night tonight!!

Its cold and rainy out after a beautiful sunny 80F yesterday and I have projects to get finished. Guess its a good thing tonight is UFO night! And, now I’m making my next Top Ten list public. I really need encouragement to get these projects finished so I can move on to the new stuff!

1. duplicate stitch name on Stocking (for customer)
2. Galway set-in sleeve cap pattern (for customer) [and possibly reknit it]
3. Cassidy in Shepherd’s Wool Great Lakes colorway (back done, working on fronts).
4. February Lady Sweater in Dream in Color Classy Black Pearl (working way down the front to the armhole).
5. Shawl (but I’m doing the scarf size which will look like a shawl on me!) using Mountain Colors Half Wool Crepe (named because it is half a ball of Wool Crepe) in Harmony Lake (airplane and hospital knitting).
6. Insouciant Sock in Heritage Handpaint (need to finished one before sock class resumes April 17).
7. repair on Penny’s Dale of Norway’s Baby Uhl sweater (maybe I can convince her I need to keep it on display since we now have the pattern and yarn, albeit new colorways, for said baby sweater).
8. Noni’s Bowling Ball bag (using scrap Shepherd’s Wool, testing Size 9.5US HiyaHiya Interchangeable — OH YES!!! — can’t wait for the real thing!).
9. Ribby Cardi from ChicKnits (Shepherd’s Wool brown/lt Turquoise on 860+ribber)
10. Cable Sweater for Knitting Today News Issue 4 (on USM)

Really? That’s all that is on the needles in plain sight? Its do-able, right?

Okay, now we’ll start listing what is hidden on the shelf, in knitting bags around the store, or is done but needs ends finished or blocked  . . .

1. Wrap me up shawl – ends (would like to do this again in sock yarn!).
2. Swirl Shawl from Melody Superwash by Jojoland – block.
3. Miralda’s shawl, Knitted Lace of Estonia, from Domy Heather (oh, I want to stock this yarn!) – block.
4. In the Pink – block.
5. baby snowman from Marie Mayhew’s Felted Snowman pattern – started.
6. Butterfly Garden blanket using Kona Superwash.
7. 8 hours baby Blanket using Encore.
8. Filigree Lace Shawl – in Alpaca With a Twist Fino (which I need done by Stitches Midwest 2010 to wear as a sample).

Things I want to start?? Okay, I won’t go there.  Maybe after I get a few things knocked off the UFO list.  I’ll report back after tonight because I have some really great projects in mind for classes this summer/fall.  Plus, I have a couple of huge projects I’m working on: MK Unite! [a retreat for machine knitters with myself, Heather Thompson, Michelle Teasley (shoot, forgot her married name! Sorry, Michelle!), Susan Guagliumi and Mary Anne Oger] for this summer, a new website design, Knitting Today News Issue 4 cables, “Make Your Sweater Fit” class, as well as a handknitting retreat for Fall. 

I’d like to know I’m not alone in the whole project overload arena. . . What is your project list?  I have an extremely useful Fold ‘n Go tool tote to give away to one lucky winner.  Drawing will be held May 16!  Tell your friends to comment too.  All comments must be on the blog (facebook fans, twitter followers, click the post link and go to the website to comment).  If we go over 25 comments, I’ll add a couple more prizes to the pool. . . .  post away!  Lea-Ann

65 thoughts on “UFO Night tonight!!”

  1. Oh my. Well, as previously announced on multiple trips to the store, I do plain jane knitting so I don’t really have pattern names.

    With no further ado in no particular order:

    I have at least 6 different plain jane pairs of socks on needles

    2 pairs of plain jane gloves

    Baby V sweater

    2 baby hats from Tops and Toes

    a shawl(ette probably)

    I am casting on a project tonight.

    If I look further, I might get discouraged.

  2. A. Warped, Knitter

    O gosh, it’s confessional time. These are the things that come to mind, may not be a full list:
    About 6 pairs of plain jane socks on needles (I can confess this only because Nancy has)
    Encore Tweed Cabled vest for me
    A shawl-
    And another shawl and most likely another one, too
    A sweater of Nature Spun that has been in progress so long that it no longer fits me, thus causing me guilt that it has languished so long but no incentive to finish it
    Another vest for me
    A mitered square tote bag
    Bountiful Bohous
    interesting that the things that don’t get done are for me

  3. Here we go (check my queue on Ravelry – over 400 items I want to make “someday”):
    Finishing my spring forward socks for SKA April
    Finishing my Vegas Socks for Knitters Brewing Co. KAL
    Finishing the Evenstar shawl for wedding – waiting on clue 6
    Hooded Cardigan for Steven
    Cinquefoil hat for Marillyn
    Finishing Mystery sock for SolidSocks April
    Flow socks for Ska May (Plan on starting May 1)
    Cookie A Mystery socks for May (Start on May 1)
    4 or 5 shawlettes for wedding
    5 purses for wedding
    Shawlette out of DIC yarn I bought on Friday
    Continue working on scrap sock yarn mitered blanket
    Sweater for Marillyn
    Myriad others – enough sock yarn for at least 50 pairs!

  4. O.K. I won’t even include the things on needles that I have hidden away somewhere. The odds of those items ever being completed are about zero.
    I just cast off a twirly skirt yesterday and need to do the finishing.
    I have a lace scarf about 1/4 of the way done.
    There are at least 7 pairs of socks on the needles, some pairs on the second sock and some not.
    A lace cardigan that still needs about 100 hours worth of work to complete.
    An Olympic hat (there is some ripping out that is involved, so I doubt that it will get done until after summer.)
    A dishrag (I always have one of those on the needles since my whole family expects to be kept in handmade dishrags.)
    Several bags from hemp that I have done the swatching for, but have not gotten started on the actual bags.
    Things that I have the yarn and patterns for, but still need to get started on:
    At least a dozen more pairs of socks (Christmas presents).
    Five Wallabies for the grandkids.
    A crew neck pullover made from fingering weight yarn for one of my sons.
    A baby sweater (baby due in July).
    2 Ballet Camisoles for my daughter and daughter-in-law.
    Like the person before me, I have at least enough yarn for 50 more pairs of socks.
    Oh – I forgot the bag of yarn I got for Christmas to make myself a new knitting bag as well as the Shepherd Yarn that I have to make myself a sweater. Heaven only knows when I’ll get around to making those.

  5. A. Warped, Knitter

    Just to make it fair for all you super organized folk: Everyone who posts that they have no UFO’s wins the privilege of finishing one of mine!

  6. Here is the list that took some time to compile and is always a work in progress:
    1. 22.5 Degree Shawl by Martina Behm using Wollmeise for the first which is such a yummy yarn. The second shawl in this pattern such that I wanted one for myself, hence the Wollmeise.
    2. Petra Lace Scarf by Smariek using Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. My first somewhat difficult lace so I must follow the pattern so taking a long to complete.
    3. Slant on Nature by Helene Rush using KOCT Ty-Dy Cotton. Not being in the sweater knitalong any more has really shut this sweater down, which is too bad. I really should finish this as the weather here makes this a plus to wear.
    4. Meets in the Middle Chevron by Lorna Miser using Kraemer Tatamy Tweed Dk. This is just not doing it for me so I may frog to find another pattern that I like better. Yarn is nice to work with though.
    5. Spinner’s Lace Shawl by Evelyn A Clark using Davidson Domy Heather. This is a nice yarn to work with but somehow it got put down and never picked up again. It would be nice to wear this shawl here as when the sun goes down it would be comfortable. I need to get back to working on this one.
    6. 6 Lace Scarves making Lacy Leaves version by Ann Norling using Mountain Colors Bearfoot. Had to get a second skein of the yarn to finish and I have just not picked this up again.
    7. Ribbed Gingko Socks by Cat Bordhi modified to use a sport weight yarn by Blackberry Ridge. So close on these but just have not finished them. First heel flap and everything.
    8. Crazy Toe and Heel Toe Up Sock by Queen Kahuna using my first Koigu that I had barely started. Not really liking this toe up method so I should really frog these and use another method.
    9. Sameer Scarf from Sockcetera #280 using Red Heart – Heart and Sole sock yarn. Easy knit just got distracted by other things after the New Year.
    10. Mitered Square Blankie a work in progress. Started this after taking the class by Mary and it has languished for 2 years now.

    On the wish list: Super Cupcake hat from Chic Knits using Classy by DIC, Ma Belle by Lindsay Pekny using Classy, and the Eyelet Cardi by Chic Knits using Kraemer Tatamy Tweed Dk. plus many more.

  7. one done, two added – oh my!
    Finished the stocking duplicate stitch. Need to add to the hiding list a couple things unearthed when Lisa and I cleaned out the backroom yesterday: 9) counterpane repairs and 10) mom’s Fiesta boucle neck scarf (can’t remember the name of hand, Gelato was the ribbon, what was the boucle??).

  8. Oh boy- let me go through my mental roladex-
    Approx. 5 single socks- no idea what patterns.
    Top down swing coat
    Sassy(nearly done- love it)
    ribbed tank in Tatami tweed
    Second ToTo sock- nearly done- got bored with it.
    Sew buttons on Chloe( turned out just lovely in Cotton Fleece)

    That’s about all my brain can think of right now. Sad part is there are so many I want to start.

  9. Baby V sweater almost finished.

    Unfortunately I’ve cast on another sock.

    I’m considering a shawl I saw. And a pair of mismatched socks. And flip flop socks. If I hadn’t lost most of my sock needles, I’d be casting on both those socks.

    And the daughter of a friend wants a pair of knee socks. Some how the new list is growing faster than what has been finished.

  10. I am afraid to look too deeply but I know what’s on the surface that needs finished
    1. poncho for niece’s first communion this Sunday
    2. Teach sweater that has half the back completed
    3. Felted slippers with one slipper knitted
    4. Ribbon yarn scarf for a friend’s birthday
    5. Fingerless gloves for a friend’s daughter who asked me almost two years ago..

    I have to stop there or I’ll just go into a deep denial and start something else..

  11. My UFOs are 2 scarves, a Clapotis, 2 pairs of mitts a a sweater that’s been a UFO for about 2 years. Debbie in Alaska

  12. Where to start. I try not to have over 3 or 4 projects at a time going but… well you know how it is. There is a KAL and a CAL and a pair or 3 of soxs, a Christmas shawl, the magic ball afghan. That’s enough, you get the idea. I don’t care. I love it all. I guess I am a yarnie to the bone!!!!

  13. OK. I am not a knitter (tatting, crochet, and quilting are my crafts), but do shop at knitting today and am on the mailing list, so I thought I would participate anyway…I have too many UFO’s to count, but off the top of my head…
    1.Crocheted baby blanket (about 3/4 done)
    2.Baby quilt (just needs binding)
    3.white tatted doily
    (nearly complete- then hiding ends and blocking)
    4.purple tatted doily (I’ve just started)
    5.flower pendant retat (just started)
    Hope nopt being a knitter doesn’t exclude me from the fun:-)

  14. After looking thru my project basket, it’s not as bad as I thought.
    1 pair plain socks (second sock)
    1 pair Ariel socks from the Sock Club book
    1 wallaby for grandson
    1 Norwegian sweater (don’t remember name) for granddaughter
    legends of the Shetland Seas shawl (just need to finish the endless edging)
    and a smoke ring
    Now if you were to ask what’s bagged up waiting to be started, that’s another story and we won’t go there.

  15. RuthAnn Cromwell

    Just today I picked my daughter up from the airport. She graduated college and has been in NY for 2 years. On the way home she asked me if I was going to finish the sweater I started when she was in high school. Mind you she is now a knitter herself and works for a yarn studio but wants that sweater knit by mom. I guess I had better put that at the head of my list. There is also a pair of socks with an unfinished toe when I ran out of yarn. A sweater that needs to be put together and another that just needs ribbing, a summer cotton sweater that is half done, a Maggi knits that is in progress, a shawl with complicated cables that is lanquishing in the basket and a felted pointsettia wreath that needs to be assembled. I am sure there is more but this is what comes quickly to mind.

  16. Okay, so I have no knitting UFO’s. I started making socks in January and have finished 22 pair but have to write down each step so the second one matches the first one. I tend to mix patterns from several sources – one for the top of the leg, a different one down to the heel, a couple of choices for the heel, never can remember when to start decreasing for the toe and tend to write things like “two rows after the color changes back to pink” to remind me. If it makes everyone feel better, I have a needlepoint nativity scene I started in 1985 and my mother’s knitted tablecloth that I have been trying to get sewn together since 1979 and a bazillion quilt projects that I have “on my list”. I generally have two sock projects going at a time, one easy one that I can pick up and take and one more complicated one that I need to pay attention to but right now I’m working on a pair of plain socks for my son’s size 13 feet and I know that I’ll never finish them if I start anything else.

  17. I am working on a Takhi yarn sweater vest, a Montego Bay scarf and am ready for the lifeline on my first Insouciant sock! Just finished a pair of cotton socks with cables up the front and the entire cuff. Oh, I also have yarn to knit a Colts scarf for the 2012 Super Bowl volunteers. Can’t wait to finish my personal footprint sock so I can start knitting socks the “new” way. I will only knit socks from the toe up, two at a time on one needle. It’s the way to knit.

  18. Michelle Pearson (formerly Teasley)

    Ok Lea-Ann…my name is Pearson now. :o) S’ok…sometimes I still find myself signing things Teasley

    On the KM is a kaleidoscope baby blanket for a friend.

    I’m also crocheting a turtle for my new boss (inside joke)

    I’ve also got a scarf in progress made with some yummy wool I picked up in Alaska last year

    Rose Cathedral Window that I started at Retreat last year…I’ve pulled out more stitches than I care to count. Hopefully one day it will work for me.

    Also have several circles done for Nicky Epstein’s “Medallion Medley” that’s in her “Crocheting on the Edge” book. I dread putting them together.

    Need to finish the buttons on a MK sweater for mom

    And a purse (can’t remember the pattern name) is laying around begging to be finished.

    Those are the ones I can recall off the top of my head.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  19. Who among us does not have project overload? ;o)

    FLAK Aran for DH
    Dale of Norway Ingeborg for me
    Aragorn socks
    Tulip sweater
    Ellington socks
    Starmore’s Irish Moss for me
    Bonne Marie Burns’ CeCe

    Ok, really not as many as I thought!

  20. 1. Adamas Shawl in a hand dyed sock yarn…on repeat 6 of chart 2
    2. Baby sweater just need to sew together
    3. Pair of bamboo anklets
    4. Ruffles and Lace fingerless gloves in a pink alpaca/wool blend
    5. Felted Ballet slippers
    6. Ribbed knit shrug (may have to frog not enough yarn)

  21. I don’t have a lot of UFO’s, but I do have 2 that were started over 10 years ago and never completed.

    a pair of Lucy Neatby’s Fancy Feet socks. One is done, the other down past the heel

    and a sweater that needs one side of the neck shaping finished and then put together. I don’t think it will even fit me any more

  22. I don’t have too many UFO’s–at the moment. I have been trying to finish them up but here is the list:

    Noah’s Ark toy
    Cable Luxe Sweater
    hat for 301 hats project

    Now…my list of what I WANT to do is MUCH longer… 🙂

  23. I have the following UFOs:
    1. Four pairs of socks—two pair from Socks From the Toe-Up almost finished, one pair with a problem (gauge changed on the slip stitch pattern, pulling in significantly) with the foot half knit, and one pair (also from SFTTU) that’s just past the toe increases.
    2. Grandniece’s sweater-tunic still needs sleeves.
    3. Noro Adult Surprise jacket needs buttonholes and the lower half of the sleeves.
    4. Dream in Color Adult Surprise Jacket needs buttonholes and the lower half of the sleeves.
    5. Bamboo Kimono needs the rest of the yoke pieces knit. (There are 24 of them, which are stitched together in an entrelac pattern; I’ve knit the first two.)
    6. Aran (Penny Straker Inverness) waiting for my gauge/tension to return to what it was before last summer or for me to frog and start over at current tension.
    7. A peach cotton sweater for my sister that’s about 70 percent finished (but has been on the needles for more than a decade). Larger needles will be necessary to get gauge.
    8. Traveller’s Cardigan that needs to be frogged and restarted because I’m not as slender as I was a decade ago.
    9. A diamond patterned sweater for which my husband packed the rest of the yarn and the pattern heaven-only-knows-where.
    10. Lace patterned cardigan for which I’ve found the yarn and the pattern, but not the left front. (My husband may—or may not—have packed it in the same box as the yarn and pattern for #9.)

    I’m glad y’all didn’t start listing the things you have yarn for but haven’t started yet. Like several other people, I have enough yarn for at least 50 pairs of socks and for several sweaters.

  24. I’m I really number 25??

    Gathered Pullover — technically done, just needs to be sewn up
    Log cabin Afghan — graduation gift, needs to be done in 3 weeks
    Norwegian Mitten — 1 done, 1 to go
    Syrian Shoulder Shawl — just needs edging

    Deep in the UFO pile:
    Starmore Fairisle
    Mission Falls cardigan

  25. Wow! I’m not sure I WANT to list everything and find out just much undone stuff I have, but here goes…..
    1. A pair of cotton summer socks in Fortissima Cotton Colori.
    2. A pair of winter socks in Purple Cobblestone. (sport weight & superwash).
    3. A pair of socks in Knit Picks Parade.
    4. A pair of socks in Seacoast Handpainted.
    5. A knitted doily (Herbert Niebling pattern) in a mystery ribbon yarn from the 80’s.
    6. “Ice Queen” from Knitty, in Filatura Di Croa Superior.
    7. Kiri Shawl in Knit Picks Gloss Lace.
    8. An entrelac blanket, using my left over pieces of sock yarn.
    9. “Tilt” sweater from Knitty in Noro Kuryeon.
    10. Haruni Shawl in Jojoland Melody Superwash.
    11. String shopping bag in Royale Quick Crochet Thread.
    12. Icarus Shawl in Knit Picks Shimmer.
    13. Windowpane Socks in Knit Picks Essential & Lorna’s Laces Socknitters Rainbow.
    14. Crochet Socks in Red Heart’s Heart & Sole
    15. Stonington Shawl in Heritage Handpainted Sock Yarn.
    16. Lotus Blossom Shawl in Turquiose Cobblestone.

  26. You want to know how many UFO’s I have, or just the ones I’m working on???
    1. Two-socks-at-a-time out of some old stash yarn
    2. Blue striped socks, but just doing one at a time…
    3. Pink beaded scarf
    4. Purple beaded scarf
    5. Barclay jacket
    6. Central Park Hoodie
    7. Pink baby blanket
    8. Blue ruffled socks
    9. Navy sweater for my son’s wedding – this one I have to finish!!!
    I know there are more, these are just the ones in front of me!

  27. Hmmm, UFOs. I am always appalled when I discover just how many things I have going at once. Currently a cardi which just needs buttons, another with just the back finished, three scarves, several shawls, some socks, and that’s just the stuff I can think of without looking. Then there is the all-to-extensive list of stash/patterns waiting for me to start them. I try not to think too hard about how big the stash is. Not that I haven’t finished a few things, I have, but when you run out of cold weather it is hard to motivate yourself to finish the scarves. And then there is that decision between the things I “should” knit (teacher gifts), and what I would prefer to be working on-i.e. something for me.

  28. UFO’s omg,
    3 baby sets,
    several afghan sets,
    dish cloths, and enough yarn to start my own store, the list is too long to mention. DH abhores all my ufo’s

  29. UFO’s I want to finish first:
    Swirl Shawl
    Bad Cat’s Snow Queen Shawl
    Summit Shawl from Knitty
    Panama shawl
    Raising the Barn Afghan
    Mitered Squares – was supposed to be a lapghan but will probably end up being a vest!
    3 different scrap-ghans I’ve started for charity (crochet).

    This is just the beginning! When I packed up the house to move I put all UFO’s together in one spot. I believe I filled 4 boxes! Need to go through & sort into piles – rip, finish, let someone else do it!

  30. I have few UFO’s but the oldest is a triangular shawl that I bought the yarn and the pattern the first time I ever went to the New York Wool and Sheep. Lately i have added a pair of socks, 2 more shawls and various other things since my nieces and newphews are getting married and having babies so I have been knitting wedding shawls, baby blankets, and christening outfits for about 3 years steady.

  31. Well, my list simply keeps growing all the time, but I don’t have the “fancy” names for what I am knitting. As you may know, I have parrots, and Lovey is the one who insists on occupying my lap every evening. She also thinks she is allowed to help. So…my list keeps growing in proportion to her help. Knitting at my house goes something like this…..
    Knit 2, move Lovey out of eye sight, k2 take the counter away from Lovey before she bites it in half, try to knit 2 but put my knitting down first to go and get Lovey a drink of water. Pick up needles and k2, pick up the ball of yarn that Lovey just threw on the floor, K2, pet Lovey since she is begging with her head lying on my chest. K2 pick up the ball of yarn that Lovey just threw on the floor, k2 rescue the counter from Lovey’s eagle eyed stare. k2 pick up the ball of yarn that Lovey just threw on the floor…..

    This may sound funny and exaggerated, but it is all to true.. Mom called the other night to see if I was making progress on my sox. “Sure I said, I have already been able to do 4 stitches tonight!!” 🙂

    Ok, enough, the list goes something like this:

    1. second sox, first pair
    2. Barbie sweaters for granddaughters Barbies
    3. sweater outfit for granddaughter
    4. Shawl (would be finished but ran out of yarn and can’t
    get more)
    5. Knitted Babe for daughter in law
    6. prayer shawl (I keep this going for no-think knitting)

    Wish list:
    1. 3 more pair of soxs
    2. Felted snow man family (I really thought of making numerous snowmen, women and children to give to all my friends! One snowman done so far!)
    3. Shopping bag
    4. sweater for myself
    5. doll clothes for Granddaughters American Girl Dolls
    6. More Barbie clothes (when will they be finished Grandma?
    Oh dear, maybe I need a knitting vacation. 🙂

  32. my UFO KNIT list
    Palette knitpicks fair isle cardigan
    Megan Swanson fair isle sweater from Knitting in America (10 years old now)
    Fibonici green ribbed turtleneck (ran out of yarn again)
    one pair of socks
    childs pink jumper

  33. Here a partial list…of knitting projects
    Clasica Coat
    Noro Cardigan
    Coco-toddler top
    Berrocco lace top
    Caron Lace Skirt and top
    for crochet projects, I’m gonna have to plead the fifth!

  34. Oh, no…. now I have to think of UFO’s too!! I have so much on my plate now, but Mark is doing well. Burns healed, but still can’t walk or stand without help. I haven’t knit since January. 🙁
    Let’s see: panda sweater, pretzel sweater, 2 pr. sox, a pink vest with yarn that has tails and makes me “gain” 15 lbs., .. I made a list several months ago of projects I had in the motorhome and it was 2 college ruled notebook paper pages long. That’s not including all the bags of projects in the craft room. Now where did I hide the Incentive!
    Hope you ALL are doing good. Liz

  35. So the UFO list… I don’t think it’s very long really,
    1. Mitered Square Sock Yarn Blanket (about 100 squares out of over 900 to go)
    2. Scraps No More Blanket ( still has over 30 inches to go)
    3. Elmer’s vanilla socks (there’s almost always a pair on the needles)
    4. Woven Christmas Table Runner ( needs to be completed by the holiday season)
    5. Einstein coat (needs buttons and blocking and the belt that I’m weaving for it)
    That’s it. All I have on the go at the moment. Now that’s not to say that I don’t have a list of “next in line” projects waiting in the wings. I do. There’s the Landscape Shawl, the February Lady, a shawlette for my granddaughter, and a pair of Serpentine Mitts and that’s just the list off the top of my head.

  36. UFO list-oh my!

    Baby Sweater (with matching booties and hat)
    Cotton Tank top
    Serena Knit Jacket
    Ongoing Lunchtime socks
    Machine knit table runner

    It’s the gemini in me. Each personality has to have it’s own projects going so we don’t get bored! There are way too many on the “Want to do” list.

  37. UFO list, it actually looks less overwhelming after making this list. I just need to focus & do it!:
    1. Little Sister’s Dress – all done except blocking and finding the right buttons with gd’s help. It is actually modified to fit a 6 year old. I’d previously done one to fit an 8 year old gd.
    2. Hey Mickey Skirt – for 4 year old gd.
    3. Shawl – from a class with Candace Eisner-Strick
    4. Little Beaded Bag – from a class w/Candace Eisner-Strick
    5. Bella’s Mitts – 3/4 of 1 done
    6. Child mitts – 1/2 of one done
    7. Bono Kimono – 1/3 complete
    8. Baby Hat – started & stopped so many times, I should just go back, unravel, wash kinks out of yarn, and start over. My knitting has improved over the last 4 years, and it really shows on this hat. (White cotton yarn)
    9. Son’s sweater – promised for this fall. So tempted to unravel and begin again. It has cables. I’m improving, so 1st ones don’t look so hot.

    Mmmm, I hadn’t thought about possible Gemini tendencies in a long time. I’ve always felt borderline (last day of one sign) between Taurus & Gemini. Taurus birth date, but I was premature.

  38. Let’s see now, what is a UFO list anyway????
    1. A baby sweater with no sleeves
    2. 3 afghans, 2 needing a boarder and 1 that’s been on the machine since CHRISTMAS
    3. 2 baby afghans
    4. sock still on 3 needles
    5. scarf still on needles
    6. a shawl that needs to be blocked.

    So, LeaAnn, I think I need some inspiration like CAMP!

  39. Things I have started:
    1. Sister’s wedding present. A filet crochet picture. My main accomplishment here was to find out that I’m not at all good at filet crochet. Might try to convert it to the machine.
    2. Brother’s wedding present–Cathedral window quilt. So far it might make a pillow cover.
    More recent
    3. Machine knit socks — so far I have an orphan. Planned as slipper socks for my dad.
    4. 2 Handknit prayer shawls. They actually are just waiting for fringe.
    5. One sweater half done. That darned pattern must be SOMEWHERE????
    6. Son requested a bigger version of the sweater I made for my grandaughter as she has outgrown the original and still wants to wear it. I’ve thought really hard about it. Yarn is upstairs.
    7. Bog jacket for me half finished.
    8. Baby blanket almost done. Just needs one more panel and edging.
    9. Child’s coat started at camp for grandson. I think he’s outgrown it by now.
    Oh dear. I thought the knitting machines were supposed to make me more efficient and get things finished. I need to go visit Knitting Today for some encouragement!!!

  40. If the truth be known, to finish all my UFO’s it is going to take another lifetime. To finish all my intended new projects we won’t even go there. As I finish one there is always one more in the works. What I need to do is figure out how to knit in my sleep.

  41. I am quite proud to have finished and frogged a lot of UFOs. Some over 10 years old, in an attempt to straighten out the stash locker. Finished off 4 shawls that needed edgings, now to just sew them on. Have been busy designing so have 6 things that need to be ripped out and re started. Have sewn up 3 pillows with their forms and have started 2 tablecloths. But the list is long.
    Am working on the Traveling Shawl and cardigans.I like the name
    The Hawkbrother Shawl from MMario
    4 afghans made from stitch patterns from an old Bear Brand sfghan blocks book
    2 chest protectors that don’t want to cooperate
    16 dishcloths I promised friends as housewarming and baby gifts.
    Had hoped to get some of them done before the snow flies again, but that’s supposedly tonight or tomorrow. Oh well, there’s next year.

  42. Karen O'Bryan

    I’m currently hand-knitting a sweater – Drifting Dreams jacket – Pattern by Jill Vosburg. Got it all done and hated the sleeves. Ripped it out back to the sleeve increase and currently making set-in sleeves. Must have done by the 14th.

    Also knitting tawashi’s to go with a shower present. And also planning to knit a few dish cloths by machine to include in the shower gift package.

    Still on my list is the sideways sweater pattern.

    Oh, almost forgot the adorable shrug I’ll be making for my granddaughter for her trip to Europe.

    That’s it for now.

  43. OK time to confess all my UFO’s:)
    – have 4 socks OTN at various stages
    – sweater for DD1 OTN need to sew together and finish collar etc beautiful aqua alpaca blend
    – sweater for DD2 OTN same as above grey chunky gray yarn beautiful:)
    – 2 purses to finish one knit and one crochet
    – a dog sweater and half dozen toys that are knit but not stuffed and all need finishing
    – afghan half finished OTN
    if I thought hard enough there is probably more
    I did finish 3 pairs of socks this past week:)

  44. I have 7 of those 70 qt stacking bins from Target with UFOs. I actually sorted them by project type. One bin is Lily Chin’s Reversible cable afghan. Another is nothing by sock kits and some ufo socks and mittens/accessories. One is lace, at least one is sweaters, in many cases just needing assembly/finishing(hangs head). There is a bin of kits for sweaters, Hanne Falkenberg, Tokyo among them. I made true progress over the winter but… Now summer knitting beckons.

  45. i am unearthing my knitting area, it’s be at least a year since i knitted. ouch. I will compile my ufo’s and submit. I actually vacuumed up a dessicated frog from under my bond. yeeko.

  46. I have half of one sock
    a shrug that is knitted in one piece
    evening cardigan
    gardigan for my grandchild
    and dont even get me started on my UFO quilt items 🙂

  47. I have one + toes of a pair of socks to finish. I only have the one project because every time I turn around my 9 year old has taken my yarn and started something new – scarf, little bag thing, attempting to make socks, big granny square blanket etc. So when she’s asleep some of the older long forgotten projects disappear back to where they came from.

  48. I am on vacation down here in Miami Florida. I had forgotten how hot and humid it becomes here. I brought some socks that I hand dyed the yarn for to work on, but I think I will stick with my tatting for now. Cotton thread does not get hot and sticky like wool.

  49. I always have a project waiting in the wings, some just in the planning stages and others in varying stages of completion. Right now I am finishing up a mesh shopping bag prototype and pattern for our newly formed mk club. Then after that, I have:
    1) Yarn to dye for a set of leg warmers for a customer friend,
    2) Design made for a dbj scarf with horses on it and dyeing the yarn for the same friend,
    3) 10 dishcloths for the same customer friend,
    4) Fuschia/black yarn to dye for a pair of mittens for our DIL,
    5) A border to put around a triangular shawl.
    This should keep me busy for awhile, then maybe have time for something for myself; like maybe some summer socks made with Panda cotton that I’ve had on hand for several months.

  50. Oh so many…
    1. 5 dishcloths to finish trim.
    2. 2 children sweaters for my grand kids.
    3. 1 pair of socks on my circulars.
    4. 2 pairs of slippers to finish knitting then felt.
    5. 1 dress scarf for the office.
    6. 1 purple wash cloth for my grand daughters bath time.
    All fun stuff. School business is done in a week and then knitting assignments begin.

  51. Do you REALLY want me to admit that there are UFOs in my home???
    I only have about 6 sweaters knit and needing to be blocked and seamed (that I can remember off the top of my head – there may be more but I am afraid to go look). Then there is the cotton sweater I started last fall that needs the fronts knit before assembly – back and sleeves are done. Then there is the one I am currently knitting on. If you count all the sweaters I have the yarns and patterns for, the list is endless. If you count the ones that I knit before adding pounds (that need to be frogged because they are already too small), the list is substantially shorter. While there may always be too many pounds, there is never too much yarn.

  52. I have 6 lap robes that I need to finish, I made them last year for a nursing home, I knitted 14 of them and was working on the borders and got so tired of working on the same thing, I finished 8 of them and delivered to the nursing home but still have the others waiting to be finished, I just can not get back into them. guess I need to put a bag in the car with one and work on it as we are out and about.

  53. The only UFOs I have on needles are two pairs of socks that I started 3-4 years ago. Both pairs have one sock completed, and the second one just needs the foot to be done. Regarding machine knit UFOs…. I have several projects that I started and never finished. I got side tracked by my love of rubber stamping… which gives much more instant gratification. A week ago I started a handknit garter stitch scarf using Paton’s ChaCha and Sirdar Snowflake. It is one of those projects that doesn’t requre alot of thought. It is inspiring me to get out those socks and get them finished! :O)

  54. I seem to have finished off alot of my UFO’s this winter but the one I wish I would finish is A cardigan I knit for my daughter…5 years ago! I just have to do those pesky button holes and finish it! I will be so happy when I am done with it, so why do I keep starting new things?

  55. I am fairly new to knitting, so I am still on a couple of basic projects. I am using a couple of practice swatches from very bulky yarn for a bag and pencil case for my daughter (just need to sew linings)and I am knitting a scarf using a basic basket weave design (practicing knit/purl stuff). I am trying not to have too many knitting projects at a time– yet. BUT, I did order more needles…

  56. Hmmm, I have a couple recent UFO’s from the last few years, and then one from … … probably at least ten years ago (wow, has it really been THAT long?) in a huge duffle bag of yarn that’s in storage at the moment.

    I have a Basketweave afghan, and don’t ask me what possessed me to cast on some 300+ stitches on size 8 40″ circs that time!–Bigger isn’t always easier to get motivated to finish, :). I started it in fall of 2006, since I finally learned to knit that year. It was also before I fully realized how much knitting stretches! I don’t think I was intending to make an afghan the size of a king-size bedspread! I might eventually frog it, and make it half as wide, since it isn’t even near halfway done. Then I’ll make a whole normal-width afghan out of that yarn.–Hey, cool, writing this out is helping me think!

    I have a big crochet ripple afghan, well about half of it is done, and it’s the one in the duffle bag of yarn. It was intended for the parents of a friend who’s not a friend anymore–and hasn’t been for almost that ten years. Currently, the idea of it doesn’t hold particularly great memories for me, but I bet if I dig it back out from storage this summer–well late summer so I don’t roast under it–when I start in on it again, I can attach new and better memories to it. I could give it to someone who has a decidedly more genuine and positive influence on my life these days. If I hadn’t stored all of that, I wonder if I would have accumulated quite as much yarn around here as I currently have? Okay, undoubtedly, since it’s difficult to pass up yarn (especially if it’s remotely ON SALE!! but sometimes I wonder.

    All I know is, thank goodness for the Seed Stitcher that I bought a few years ago from Knitting Today on EBay, since it’s saved me from countless rows and hours of frogging to fix knitting ooopses! Without it, I’d have many more UFO’s around, due to frogging frustrations! YAY TO THE SEED STITCHER GADGET!

    Tina E

  57. Karen B. Miller

    Sigh. Off the top of my head, a pair of socks where one is finished, put aside for a few years and then started the second, which looks like it will be one or two sizes bigger despite several rip outs and start overs. My first attempt at knit two at the same time on two double pointed needle socks. A shawl in a lovely but complicated lace pattern is about a third done after five years. and last but not least, the back and half of the front of a toddler sweater for my son who is now 15. Maybe I’ll finish it when he has kids.

  58. Way too many UFO’s on my needles…
    1. An unfinished “blasted baby blanket” Hard lesson learned: do not commit to knit for someone else on “commission.”
    2. A half finished scarf using trellis yarn. Penny took one look at it at and said, “Oh, that stuff.” Not much fun to knit with.
    3. One baby sock; green.
    4. One yellow dish cloth, barely begun
    5. One shawl in a funky blue/lavendar cotton
    6. A Booga Bag, 2/3 finished that I’m working on now
    7. Three (or maybe four) wool eyeglasses cases to seam up and felt
    8. Another baby blanket in Encore pink swirl
    9. A premie cap in left-over sock yarn
    10. A red scarf using a suede and glitzy eyelash yarn knitted together
    11. A darling baby sock shaped like a duck foot, but the pattern isn’t darling, and I’m stuck. Lea-Ann, I need you! HELP!

  59. I am working on a afghan using all my left over and other yarns I have in the house. I want to make a afghan using a rainbow effect.

  60. Oh, another question, this time to Lea-Ann, what’s duplicate stitch? Is it anything like applied I-cord or something similar?

    Tina E

  61. A Booga bag is a wonderfully easy pruse knit from three skeins of Noro Kureyon and then felted. I’ve made approx. 10 of them as gifts and for a silent auction or two. The pattern is from Black Sheep Bags, and Lea-Ann has the pattern at the shop. If you want a fun, fast, mindless-knit that your girlfriends will all love, this is the bag to knit! I think Lea-Ann has some new colorways of Kureyon ordered…

  62. Hey there, Jane,

    Thanks for the description/explanation of the Booga bag! I’ll pass the idea on to a couple of friends who are REALLY! into making purses!

    Thank you again!
    Tina E, Greeley, Colorado, USA

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