the day after UFO night

and I’m taking stock on what I was able to get done and don’t want to think about how much I need to go . . . a couple rows of Cassidy, which actually is a huge accomplishment considering that I’m knitting a huge size and I combined the fronts/back.  I did maintain some decreases at the waistline but increased back out to my bust size.  I want it fitting, but not fitted; if you know what I mean.  I am absolutely loving working in the Shepherd’s Wool worsted and my color is Great Lakes.   Here’s the current pic:

Cassidy Back Cassidy fronts

Also on UFO night, we caught up on some giveaways.  Jan had won Tom’s FCCTCC contest and she used the gift certificate toward Lorna Miser’s Faith, Hope, Love book and some yarn, I believe.  I’m a little foggy after staying up a couple hours later than normal.  Natalie and Jan had both won Knit Happy Notebooks in a pre-Stitches Midwest post too.  Here’s a picture with Haley standing in for Natalie. 

Haley and Jan with Knit Happy notepads

And, here’s the gang, happily knitting away.  Its so much fun and I love having everyone gathered here.  Haley took these candid shots and while everyone seemed to be smiling, I see she caught a few looking not so happy . . . and then some snuck out before the pictures even began. 
Natalie at UFO nightNancy at UFO nightInis at UFO nightUFO knitters
. . . thanks knitters!!  -Lea-Ann

P.S. Sneak preview:  Zauerball and the new Knitters!

Zauerball and Knitters Fall 2009 K96

3 thoughts on “the day after UFO night”

  1. A. Warped, Knitter

    Great pictures of Cassidy but what the pictures can’t show is how wonderful the Shepherd’s Wool feels when knit up. I have to stroke your Cassidy every time I see it.

  2. Thanks, Mary — I agree about the petting issue and Shepherd’s Wool. We had a chili-fest at the PH School Farm yesterday and I sat with Tom’s blanket thrown over my lap. I can’t believe how lightweight, yet warm it is. He gave me a little fit about getting it dirty and I said it can be washed. I’m really glad I had it as I had only worn my birky sandals and one pair of wool socks. I slipped my feet out and wrapped them in the blanket and did the same for my hands. My head was the only thing cold and I was wishing I had Cassidy done so I could put the hood up (wait, I was going to do it with a collar, no hood — hmmmm).

  3. See now you know why I am having Hailey sitting in for me for photo’s on UFO night. Had a great time and I am so glad I won the Happy Feet Notebook… I have yet started another sock … help me..

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