The best buttonhole for the job?

How do you decide what buttonhole to use? Thankfully the designer tells us to use a 4-st buttonhole for Fisher Lassie, but doesn’t give directions on how to do that. A quick email clarifies that it is one by Interweave, and I’m going to write the directions here because who knows if that online resource will be available the next time I need it in another 20 rows.

Buttonhole row (14 sts): [k1, p1]2x, yf, sl1-pwise,yb. (Sl1-pwise, psso) repeat 4x, return lastvst to left needle, turn. Cable cast on 6 sts. Turn. Yb, sl1-pwise, psso, complete row.

And, I’ll edit and add a video to this next time.

Happy knitting!

This is Fisher Lassie, found at under kits. And, the color is frosty blue, a very pretty light blue which photographed grey-ish in the low light.

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