sometimes things go missing – Shepherd’s Wool Fingering

shepherds_fingering_lace.jpgI was just on ravelry updating my queue and wanted to upload my stash of Shepherd’s Wool fingering.  Since I don’t have a digital camera at home, I thought I’d swipe the photos off of my website.  Lo and behold, there were only 14 colors listed of the Shepherd’s Wool Fingering — woah!  I know we have almost all the colors in stock so where the heck are they?  I bet they came in at Retreat time and just before Susan went on vacation so not all of the “procedures” were followed but that’s okay, they’re there now . . . check it out.  This yarn makes a great lace scarf — see the pic above of the scarf Susan knit out of the Lace Knitting learn to knit book (not the official title but too lazy to go look it up, I’ll link to it here.  That book has some nice basic lace stitches to practice and it only takes one ball for the scarf.   Another good pattern for this yarn is Shirl’s Mittlets from Cabin Fever.  A very versatile pattern that can use many weights of yarn.  A nice little celtic cable on the back makes them interesting to knit.  This is the pattern I’m adding to my queue for the lime yarn [ssshhhh!  a Christmas present for Haley?] and red [for Tara to match her varsity jacket].  I figured maybe I can knit them in my boothes at Stitches Midwest [329/331, not 830 like the map shows] if its slow [please tell me I won’t have time to knit!]. 

2 thoughts on “sometimes things go missing – Shepherd’s Wool Fingering”

  1. you won’t have time to knit.. there I said it.. You know I love that mit pattern. I just gave my mom her pair for her birthday last night and she already requested a second pair. Elsa is patiently waiting for me to make her a pair with the yarn she picked out at your yarn sale..

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