Noro Sock Yarn — incredible colorways!

Hi . . . we unboxed, received, and tagged the Noro Sock Yarn — incredible stuff!! I think Color 95 might be my favorite . . . . Noro Sock color 95

Which one is yours???  I’ll run a little competition — post your comment here telling me why the particular color of Noro is your favorite and on January 1, I’ll pull a comment and send the winner a free ball of that colorway!!  Here’s the entire pallete currently in stock: 

ETA:  Comment giveaway closed — congratulations Joan Bundt for winning!  Click on the Giveaway category to see the next Giveaway.

56 thoughts on “Noro Sock Yarn — incredible colorways!”

  1. Okay, color 95 is my favorite because it reminds me of spring flowers. Since we have 10″ of snow here at the moment, spring seems a long time away. I think I’ll cast on and dream of spring (peonies, sunshine and green, green grass, while I knit away — Lea-Ann

  2. They are all luscious, but I like color 95.
    My knitting is on my do list also, but keeps getting shoved back.
    Merry Christmas.
    Joan Bundt

  3. I like the #40 the best. Blue has always been my favorite color, and the touch of purple and green really makes my heart zing. – Mary

  4. I am in love with color #180. It has a deffinite soutwest flavour. I can see the sun setting over the mountains. Can you? Happy Holiday and the best to all for the New Year.

  5. I love #182 with it’s bright springlike colors. Our sky is very gray most of the winter. Right now we have 12″ of snow on the ground and more coming down. This colorway is like a breath of sunshine.

  6. Do I have to choose, do I, huh, do I? Well, OK….#92 reminds me of the sunset I see when I sit on our front porch & I’ve always wanted to capture the colors of the sunset in something to wear.

  7. Living here in the Northeast, I have to say that 180, with its Southwestern colors appeals to my eye at the moment. However, having some experience knitting with Noro yarns, I will have to wait to feel the yarn prior to purchasing any–while the Silk Garden is great yarn, I find some of the other Noro yarns to be somewhat scratchy at times. My tender skin must be a genetic thing as I’ve knit scarves for grandchildren of the Kuryeon yarn only to have them not want to wear the “scratchy scarves.” Sigh………and Merry Christmas.

  8. As most know, yellow is my color. If there is a hint of it, Penny or Susan know to expect a call from me, therefore my color choice is 182. Each skein, even though, the same color and dye lot, do not look alike. I can only imagine what it will knit into. Knowing me that may take awhile, but Lea-Ann knows this does not stop me from buying more in yellow. Maybe my New Year’s resolution should be to knit more, seems better than dieting or something that is as difficult, but maybe knitting more is something I really should consider………

  9. My vote is for color #92. I can’t tell you why except that it called to me. It feels like spring to me. The blues, the green, the pinks. A little piece of heaven…

  10. I like 182, reminds me of Easter, I can see colored eggs, candies and bunnies when I look at the colorway. Gives me hope that the winter snow will soon end and we’ll have not more ice! Fat Chance of that happening in December with January, February and March yet to come in the Midwest. Oh well, I can dream.

  11. I have to say #40. Blues, Greens and Purples in combination always leave me feeling warm and fuzzy! Merry Christmas to everyone and hope the New Year finds everyone warm, healthy and happy!

  12. I have to say I like number 40- because it reminds me of the color of my fingers and toes on the chilly December day. Must be from shoveling all of this winter wonderland! Ha! Enjoy this lovely weather and have a Joyous

  13. Pick my favorite Noro color? PAAALEEEEEEZ!
    I might as well throw a dart, or in this case, an Addi! They’re all beautiful and worthy of being knit into a pair of scrumptious socks!

  14. Color #S40- Not just because almost half of the posters (6 out of 21) chose it- because it has pink and purple and turquoise blue. Hope everyone posts a pic of the socks they knit from it. you know they’ll all look different.

  15. I’ve been watching for 102 since I saw a glance at it. I think it matches a purse I knit. I have a second, and third choice of course. Hopefully you will have several of my favs when I make it up next. Probably not before Christmas, so have a great holiday!

  16. I like them all,and someday maybe will be able to have knitted with them all. I am just a beginner sock maker. but love noro yarns for other projects so sure this would be love at first knit also. My choice would have to be 40, for love how the blues, purples and greens blend so well together. Just reminds me brighter days are comming, that the dreary winter will soon bring forth spring, and also the problems a person may have and is weighing them down, will soon pass to brighter days.

  17. #40 just knocks my socks off!

    It’s the ocean, the sky, the mountains, the forests – our beautiful country wrapped up in a ball.

  18. Linda Dockstader in WA

    I have had a pink thing going on for the last few years, but I think I like #185 the best for the purples.

  19. What a hard decision! They are all so beautiful. I am torn between 182 and 40, leaning toward 40 as my favorite on this snowy day. It appears very tropical, reminding me of the ocean and lush greenery.

  20. I like #40. I like blues and I think this would make a real cute pair of socks. That is on my list for this winter. I will be spending the month of February in Florida and this would be a great project to take along and work on while down there. Then when I came home I could model them for my daughters and grandkids. Have a great holiday and a blessed New Year. Thanks for sending me this newsletter. I enjoy reading it. Keep up the good work. Maybe if the weather cooperates I can stop up and see the yarn and buy some before I go south.

  21. Can you believe I have not yet knit anything with Noro? I have several skeins of it to work on an afghan – but am saving it for 2008 knitting. I am excited for the sock yarn though and that might be my first 2008 sock project! I love pastels, floral garden colors and jewel tones. I would have to say that I am torn between 182, 92, and 184 – but would lean toward 182 as it seems to be the best combo of all that I like. Thanks!

  22. COLOR #40 is my fav. I love blue and just about everything I make has some blue in it. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. You guys ROCK!! Debbie

  23. I will say that I love the bright colors that remind me of my garden. A place of serenity and great peace. i am reminded of my favorite hymn,As I Walk Through the Garden and that brings me comfort and joy. It is hard to choose just one ,so i must say that 95,150 and 182 are my choices.

  24. I couldn’t believe how many other people picked #40! I saw it and all I could think of was ocean. Then I read the other comments and found out how many people saw the same thing in it that I did! What a lovely colorway. The Noro color people should be proud of themselves!

  25. I can’t believe that NOBODY has mentioned the incredible beauty of 164!
    With Noro, what you see is nothing like what you get. And somehow, it all makes sense together.

  26. I have to go with #185. It appears it has all my favorite colors rolled into one and my fingers are just itching to start knitting with it and see how the colorway plays out. Naughty, naughty, Lee Ann, you know I can’t resist a beautiful sock yarn….

  27. I’m going with color #40.

    20 years ago, I spent Christmas with friends in Finland, and I loved the colors of the sky there. The sun was only up for a short time, and the early afternoon sunsets were a glorious combination of pink to purple to blue. It was reflected on all that beautiful white snow and surrounded the evergreens. The purply-blue and green in the colorway reminds me of a Finnish sunset at Christmas.

  28. Noro is my very favorite yarn and color 92 is the best. I have a fantastic sweater done with that colorway. I have another sweater done in #40, but #92 beats it by far! My friends call me the Noro Princess!

  29. Oh these are lovely! I have never used Noro before, so I think I need to start now. My favorites (if by some chance I win, you can pick one for me since I can’t decide :-)) are 40, because I love cool colors, and that is a beautiful colorway, and 95, which just appeals to me for some reason that I can’t articulate now. Thanks for running this contest!

  30. 149 is the one for me. It’s subtle but beautiful, and reminds me of the muted, craggy landscape of northern Scotland, where I holiday occasionally. They are all gorgeous colourways, though… I think I’m going to have to give Noro yarns a try soon! (I’ve never used them before.)

  31. I really like color 185, but then to be honest I like them all! I know, spoken like a true knit-o-holic, lol. I saw these in person on Saturday and have to say that the online pictures don’t do these colors justice they are brilliant! I am going to have to break down and just purchase some myself for a hat….everyone needs a hat! Merry Christmas LeAnne and Penny!

  32. I love #40! Looks like I’m in good company. I love anything purple, and the blues and greens would make them great to wear with jeans! I love my Noro Silk Garden scarf and the fabulous colors. I can’t wait to try the new sock yarn!

  33. I love Noro yarn. #40 is my favorite. I have only used Noro to make a small, one skein Mobeius basket. But it is so soft, and I love it. #40 just catches my eye, I love blue, and when you mix blue and brown, or blue and green, it’s the best!

  34. Colorway 95 reminds me of the colors of a rose garden all year long—the new greens and rosey pinks of spring, lush deep burgundy blossoms of summer and the bare branches and rose hips of winter.

  35. Color 182 brightened me up when I saw it….. reminds me of a rainbow.

    Yes! Lea-Ann, I am still “around” …. I’ve missed everyone. Have a Blessed New Year.

  36. I’ve just finished a sock in color 92, it’s a rainbow! My favorite has to be the rainbow, it’s so cheery this time of year — however, it is NOT a soft sock yarn, not much spring in it either, so beware — those of us that are becoming addicted to soft stuff with bamboo and seacell in it are going to be a bit disappointed at the feel — the colors are really wonderful tho. Happy New Year and happy sock knitting.

  37. Color 182 would have to be my favorite, so bright and cheerful with bright pink, lavendar and blue. Just seems so much like spring time flowers. I did buy some of color 149 to make a pair of socks for my husband. Thought he would prefer something a little more subdued.

  38. I hope I’m not to late! Color 149 is currently my favorite because I want to knit “socks for soldiers” and thought this color would look best with camouflage. I have a friend whose son is headed out this week (send off is Wednesday/tomorrow at the RCA Dome, Indianapolis) and would like to send a pair of socks in his first care package.

  39. Yes, yes, yes… I need that – not now… yesterday!!! 😉
    Hugs from… someone in need of sockyarn!!! 😉 Sweden don’t have lots of it – oh, no… 🙁

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