I promise I’ll wash them . . .

before I put them back on display <ewwhhh>, but I couldn’t help myself.  My feet were COLD this morning and I don’t have a pair of socks at home to wear since they are all at the store so I swiped a pair off the display!  Here they are:

Bungee Plain Vanilla Sock 

And, on the foot, in the shoe:

Bungee Sock In the Shoe

And, here’s the currently available colors:

 Bungee Colors

Click the picture to go to https://knittingtoday.com/go.mvc?ID=bungee to order your yarn.  We’ll throw in the plain vanilla sock pattern with your purchase!

1 thought on “I promise I’ll wash them . . .”

  1. Well I am going to comment here from now on, so have you washed them yet? I just bought this yarn and I WILL get to them, I will do more than just “mind-knit” these. I think I will need to use a smaller needle as I like the socks to be a little tighter. Are you planning on getting the new Cat Borhi book because there is a new method in this book that I need and want to try…

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