Haley, the fingerless gloves and Shipshe, ebay






Getting down to the wire and Haley has three little fingers to finish, ends to weave in and washing/blocking to do. Saturday is judging. She has several days this week that she’ll be working with her horse, Luke, getting him ready to show so she needs to have it finished today. Thankfully she should have plenty of time. Instead of spending my day off at home, look what I’m trying out–a booth at the Shipshewana Flea Market. I brought some yarns we’re kind of tired of, some books and some Quilt Happy, Stitch happy, Scrap happy, and Knit Happy. It’s hot, 92f, but the building, the fans and the breeze make out cool. I’m meeting lots of knitters and getting time to work on my Cassidy sleeves, so all is well. Susan reports she has been busy back at the store, but with customers not website work so you’ll have to be patient and wait for the new stuff. (hint, one of the new Knit Happy products is in a picture below…can you find it?). We also have Caitlyn doing some ebay work for us. Check out her ebay auctions at http://myworld.ebay.com/girlbhindthemusic/

1 thought on “Haley, the fingerless gloves and Shipshe, ebay”

  1. Could not find the new item but hope you sell lots of good stuff. Hope both Haley and Tara do well at the fair and that Haley has a good showing with her horse. Keep us posted on the sleeve for Cassidy, that is a future project for me. Made good progress on my Miley Tee and looking forward to my yarn delivery. Hope it is here today as I want to cast on the Tee for Two. How is Susan’s coming along? Try to stay cool.

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