Getting on the road


It’s always hard for me to choose a project for a road trip. i have class samples to do, sweaters to finish, my ongoing lace knitting, socks, and baby blankets.

Today though? It’s going to be baby booties for the twins-to-be. Plus, I’m trying two new products to our store, Knitting Today. They are Cascade 220 Superwash Sport and 6″ sharp hiyahiya double points. I usually use the magic loop technique. Especially while in the car. I couldn’t resist and cast on last night.

The yarn knits well without splitting. The needles are lightweight, get into the stitch easy. I haven’t done any decreases yet. Plus, I’m knitting a sport weight yarn on size 2 needles, but there is a lot of give to the garter stitch. I think they’ll be cozy warm yet still move with the little,piggly-wigglys when they get here (any time now that they are at 36 weeks and momma is dilated to 3cm).

What are you knitting?

9 thoughts on “Getting on the road”

  1. I am knitting baby bibs. One new baby in the family and a second on the way. The baby blanket from heck has not been worked on in ages but these bibs are super quick. Even better using stash yarn.

  2. I am doing a hooded baby sweater with Encore for grandson, it is at the point it is travel knitting but, sadly, not traveling. Will be making had for him also to match winter coat… other grandkids are on the list but currently the youngest in most need.

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