Favorite color for Spring?


I have a little bit of time on my hands waiting to go to my mom’s pre-op this morning and I am sitting outside drinking my coffee. It is 74F and not too humid at the moment. What i am noticing, besides the little lizards
(My mom said they are chameoleons) scurrying around, is the difference in color intensity from Indiana to Florida. I order yarn for Spring in January and those of you who live up north know how gray the sky is in January. So, now that it is brightening up, what do you think? What is your favorite color for the season? Link to the color you love …. give me something to look at while I’m sitting through the 5-6 hour operation tomorrow.
P.s. Thank you to Susan, Tom, Tara and Nancy for keeping the store running without me. I have to go water my moms bean plants now. You can move the Michigan farmer to Florida but the farmer moves along.

3 thoughts on “Favorite color for Spring?”

  1. My computer is acting stupid today and I can’t link to any pictures, but I absolutely love it when the lavender flowering dogwoods are in bloom. They just make me feel good, especially the really dainty ones. Sure hope all goes well with your mother’s surgery. I’ve been thinking about you and praying that all goes well.

  2. Hi Lea_Ann, I hope everything goes well for your Mom’s surgery and then the recovery process also goes smooth. We took a drive over to Austin about 10 days ago and the Texas bluebonnets were in full force. I have never seen them in bloom before and they are a sight to see especially fields of them. Here is a link (at least I hope so): Pasture of Bluebonnets photos

    What really gives me spring joy is seeing blooming cactus, the yellows and magentas are just amazing. I could not find as good a link for those as for the bluebonnets. Hope things start to brighten up for you…

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