Encore Sock now in Stock!

Typing that makes me feel a bit like Dr. Seuss.  

For heavier socks, this really rocks / It’s great for feet and sweaters so sweet! / You can knit it in a box / You can knit it with a fox

Okay, enough of that.  This is one of those fall in the middle type yarns.  It’s heavier than a sock yarn but a bit lighter than a typical dk.  I’m looking at colorway 7521 thinking it would make some really cool Prairie Heights socks, while Penny is running around picking out yarns to use as trim on the baby sweater (of course).  

I’ll not be starting those socks anytime soon, however, as I’ve taken a tip from Lea-Ann and I am making myself finish (and in some cases start) projects that have been lounging around, or long ago promised to someone.  So far I’ve made three silly scarves, three hats, and two ponchos,  and finished a pair of socks.  Oh, and I’m knitting the felted snowmen from Marie Mayhew (so fun- I can’t wait to finish and add the doo-dads… I have so many ideas!).  Almost forgot, I’m also knitting a prayer shawl.  When I am finished with the above mentioned, THEN I can start on the two pairs of Alpine Boots, THEN I get to make the felted door mitten.  Fortunately for me, these are all quick projects.  Except for the sweater…. really should finish that, also.  Finding time to knit while re-modeling is not an easy thing!  

On the bright side, I should have no trouble finding something to knit on for UFO night! -Susan

Click to see Encore Sock

3 thoughts on “Encore Sock now in Stock!”

  1. Holy Crap Woman!!! I am impressed, I hope you get all that done and more as I squirm around trying to finish my shawl. I’m almost done, but I don’t want to pick it up….I think it’s because once it’s finished, it’s finished.

  2. Help! Susan is knitting and she can’t stop! I, too, loved the snowmen. I made the pumpkin too. I will bring it tonight- not felted- it is HUGE

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