Clear The Clutter

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Clutter Blocks Creativity

As I get ready to announce the new knitalong (Fisher Lassie), I find myself needing, yes NEEDING, to declutter my space. I go through this process of shutting down, body, mind and spirit. And then I realize the clutter is contributing. What do I need to do? Clear The Clutter! Do you have that problem? What do you do about it?

Here’s what I’ve done:

  1. clean off my desk. Only what I’m working on goes there. Oh wait . . . back that up . . . I get dressed!
  2. Then I check in with my accountability group hangout.
  3. then I work on the one thing I need to do on my desk.

Who am I trying to fool? LOL . . . . that’s wishful thinking. Here’s the actual scenario:

  1. get coffee.
  2. check facebook, email and instagram.
  3. get more coffee, read on the Kindle app.
  4. go the bathroom.
  5. get more coffee, read some more.
  6. remember I haven’t eaten yet.
  7. go upstairs to my office and think about what I need to get done.
  8. get more coffee……


brewing coffee

Well, you get the picture, right? I might get dressed by 4:30, because I know Tom is coming home and he would be appalled that I’ve managed to move from my office (Tara’s old bedroom) to the living room several times a day without encountering anyone or needing to step foot outside and thereby living in some pajama pants I bought for the purpose of comfort. AHHHHH, there is the crux of the matter. I work solo now. I have no accountability. I have no purpose. I have no reason. I have no routine. After two years of giving myself time to dream, research the software that makes the backend of ClubKnit, and build the website, I’m having trouble moving into the “doing” phase.

What is the “doing” phase?

The “Doing” phase is the part of the program where I actually put things on the website for sale. Where I video myself knitting and teaching (without actually teaching anyone, just pretending). Where I follow through on the projects I’ve set out to knit. And here we are with the ideal schedule . . . .

  1. get coffee (or green chai tea)
  2. get dressed
  3. blog about the day
  4. shoot some video for the ClubKnit classes
  5. work on the website

….encourage me friends! Tell me you want to knit, and learn, and read about knitting. Tell me that community is important AND participate in that community. . . . . I need you all to keep me going! I need to know that something I offer is of value and use to you.

Be Involved

Comment on this post and Tell me what you need!!! (someone to knit with? check-ins on your projects? new ideas? a place to ask a question? Perhaps a reminder not to drink so much coffee?)

Join our FREE ClubKnit community — I know its a roundabout way, but by “purchasing” the freebie on, everything works together automagically at so you are registered, logged in, can see the blog posts, join the Forum discussion, and look at the classes I’m building. And, I can spend next month in Florida visiting my mother and not worry about everything working properly.

Join ClubKnit Basic (Free)Join ClubKnit Basic (click to purchase FREE membership)

If anyone thinks I use too many “!!!!” and ” ……” well, I write the way I speak, with my hands … LOL. I hope to have an editor at some point in time, but right now you are stuck with me and my ! 🙂 — Lea-Ann

P.S. While thinking of this post and listening to Dave Ramsey, I threw away two garbage bags of “stuff” from my office. Expired price lists, small snippets of waste yarn, business magazines [which I read and tore out the parts that interest me]. I can finally walk to the project bins and get to the machine. I still have three bags of yarn to declutter, and the little pile of sample projects on the floor, but I feel energized!

P.P.S I think I’ll rename this blog “Life with Lea-Ann” — thoughts?

office clutter picture


4 thoughts on “Clear The Clutter”

  1. I just finished putting my knitting patterns in plastic sleeves and then in small notebooks. Then I put my crotchet patterns in plastic sleeves and into a separate notebook. Then I checked my email and here you are. I read your clutter page and looked at my desk. That will be my next chore. What a novel idea you have. Only keep what I am working on , on my desk. I still have the left over Christmas cards on mine. Also a painting by numbers box of paints I bought on impulse and probably never will start. If I had time I would knit something. Thanks for the needed motivation to clear my desk.

    1. Christmas cards are a problem for me too 🙂 — I have signed, sealed, addressed and no stamped cards from some year sitting around . . . .

  2. How are you going to teach the Fisher Lassie sweater class. Will it be held somewhere or just on line. I am interested in doing it but need help to size it.

    1. Hi Terry, its going to be online through with check-ins for those who are in the area at Knit28 (the 28th of the month from 2-8) . . . I can help you figure out what size. In fact, that would be a good post to write right now :). Anyone who orders their yarn by 2/21 will be able to pick it up and cast on then.

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