Cassidy progress


Today, I want to knit…. Here is what I’ll be working on in between church, dinner with the family, finishing a stocking for a customer, and hopefully cruising Pretty Lake in the sunshine.

I did have to make changes and I don’t know if I told you about them. The sleeves start with a cable instead I’d ribbing. This necessitated changing the cast on number, the increase rate for my short arms, and maintaining the pattern. My calculations called for increases every five rows, yuck! So I’m doing then every other than every fourth row. I ned to have this sweater done by Stitches Midwest. Can I do it?

3 thoughts on “Cassidy progress”

  1. Of course you can finish this sweater. If Frodo can throw the ring into Mt. Doom in Mordor at the end of three movies, then you can knit your sweater!

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