
Felted Door Mitten

It dawned on me this morning (no pun intended) that I have never posted pics of my Felted Door Mitten. This has been finished and hanging on my back door for three weeks now. I’ve had the pics, just not the time to post it. I really enjoyed this project. It was a very easy knit (absolutely HUGE pre-felting but I accidentally trashed the picture so you’re just going to have to trust me) and pretty darn quick, if you don’t include the whole double stranding debacle. I did not want a mitten that would be used only for Christmas, so instead of needle felting I chose to embroider snowflakes and add a few seed beads for sparkle.


I used three matching buttons from my Grandma’s button jar- one for the middle of each snowflake.  I love the sparkle they add to the middle of the snowflake, plus they tie in with the seed beads really well.  I wish you could see them better in the pics, but as they are somewhat clear it’s difficult to get them to come through.  I’m happy with the way it turned out, however I think if I make one for my front door (and most likely I will) I will stuff it with plastic bags while it dries. I think it would have better shaping.  So, what do you think?

Now, my final observations re: felting the Alpaca Love and Full O’ Sheep.  I was not able to get the Alpaca Love to felt enough to suit me.  When I am felting I don’t want any stitch definition whatsoever.  Not even a hint.  I want a nice, dense felted fabric.  I just couldn’t achieve that with the Alpaca Love.  To be fair, I should tell you that I used a size 9 needle and it may have felted better had I used a 10.   I do like the Full O’ Sheep and I think I will try a pair of felted clogs in it.  It yielded a very dense fabric even though I used only one strand, also on a size 9. Please share with us if you have used either of these for felting or not, and what you’re thoughts are.

Supposed to hit 48 degrees today!!! Enjoy it!  🙂

1 thought on “Updates…”

  1. Really nice mitten Susan- Sounds like a great project for next winter’s decorations. My heart is not into any more snowflakesfor this winter. I hae used the Full O’ SHeep for a sweater and it is a pleasure to knit with. It varies in thickness but had no issues cabling with it. Price is right too.

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