Think Spring — think Cotton Classic

As my friend Mandy is so fond of reminding me on facebook (have you joined our Knitting Today club there yet??), she is headed to Florida for spring break and its only about a week away.  I was thinking how much fun it would be to sit on a beach in Florida and knit a summer top for myself to wear when the humidity is sooo hot here in Indiana that I can’t stand it anymore . . . . what top would it be?  What yarn would it be?  I am totally inspired by all the new Cotton Classic colors that have come in the door and the new book, 3rd Edition Cotton Classic, to go with it (note: we’ll modify the post to include a link as soon as Susan has it uploaded, in the meantime, you can visit Tahki’s website to see all the projects [just remember not to order from them because we may not get assigned the order!]) .  The cover pullover would be a great beach cover-up, there is a short-sleeved lace top inside, as well as a couple basic go-with-everything cardigans to wear at the bonfire at night.  This is a great book and then the one before that, Tahki Yarns Spring/Summer 2008, had tanks, tees and hoodies.  We have 32 colors of Cotton Classic to choose from, everything from bold and brights, to neutral greys, and pastels.  What color would you choose?  Link to Tahki Cotton Classic

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