Slow but sure, a marathon not a sprint.

Every day, every project, every pile. I have to remember that projects are a marathon not a sprint. It’s about time for a new top ten list. I find I’m adding and adding and not finishing, once again. Problem is it isn’t just knitting.

1. Graphic design homework projects due 2/27.
2. Editing next KnitStyle pattern due 2/15.
3. Launching forums, blog, and patterns.
4. Planning store sale for March.
5. 2013 taxes due 2/28.
6. Socks, hand. (Supposed to be at the heel today!)
7. Knit swirl, hand.
8. Stormy weather, machine.

I’m quitting the list here before I get overwhelmed. What’s on your list?


2 thoughts on “Slow but sure, a marathon not a sprint.”

  1. Oh, dear! I have a list almost that long too. How does that happen. Oh well, dive in and when I come up for air later today I will be surprised with how much further I am on my projects. 🙂

  2. Here Lea-Ann, this’ll make you feel better. 1) Cardigan hanging on LK-150 – applied edging all the way around, still need to do right front & then work in all ends, 2) Stash buster crocheted afghan for DIL, 1/4 way done (maybe), 3) Crocheted lace weight cardigan – thought the back was done, but not liking the way the size is looking, & forgot to put some important st. markers in, might rip back, 3) Cowl from the Mystery Yarn club, the hand dyed that if you knit right, stripes, really lovely, just not done, 4) Summer Tee that just needs to have the neck finished & grafted – combo machine & hand knit. That’s just what I have out in plain view. I could easily go on. 🙂 🙂 Slowly but surely.

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