Slant On Nature Done – Both of us!

slant_on_nature_back.jpgslant_on_nature_front.jpgLea-Ann and I finally have our Slant On Nature sweaters done.  I finished mine over a week ago and gave it to my sister last weekend.  She’s a tiny little thing and it will look so cute on her.  That’s mine above- I hope she likes it.  Check out Lea-Ann below.

  Notice anything odd?  Lea-Ann wore hers today… she’s having a hard time leaann-slant-on-nature.jpgdeciding on buttons so she settled on Knit Klips.   I wouldn’t recommend it.  Only Lea-Ann could pull this off… she even tried to go to the post office wearing them.  She’s lucky I’m a nice person because I had half a notion to let her go like that but I just couldn’t do it.  Can you believe that hers is the same colorway as mine?  I took the pics of mine on a lovely sunny day (outside) and the picture of her was taken this morning (inside) which is a very dismal, grey day.  What a difference in color!

mauch-chunky.jpg On another note I have been steadily plowing through the boxes (did you see the pic in the e-news?  Literally a small tower of boxes) and received the new colors of Mauch Chunky— I love this yarn!  The colors, the texture.  I don’t know why but I really do like the slighty “old” feel to this yarn.  It’s soft, but not buttery like the Shepherd’s Wool.  Don’t get me wrong- I do enjoy knitting with the SW, but sometimes I want a more vintage feel, if that’s the right term.  I want to get my hands on this so badly I can taste it.  It tastes like a pumpkin/mint/rhubarb/kiwi/walnut concotion, with a slight aftertaste of cherries and mushrooms.  Go figure. 

 Will there ever be enough knitting time?  – Susan

edit: Okay, so the image of the Mauch Chunky turned out smaller than I had intended but the colorways really are quite nice.  Rich and deep.  Maybe you should just come in so you can see it.  That is the only way to truly appreciate the colors.  Or I suppose you could just click on the link above.

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