July KAL Project: Garter Gusset Tee – Now Taking Orders!

Ready for a new project? The colors of Silk Garden Lite, garter stitch detail, and loose, flowing drape all caught my eye in the Garter Gusset Tee pattern. This pattern, originally published in Noro Magazine 12, is available for FREE with kit purchase. Choose your size, choose your color, click add to cart, and we’ll take care of the rest.

While the pattern is handknit, Lea-Ann will be converting and knitting it on the LK150. You can join in either method, or even just to cheer us on.

As always, with projects you purchase from Knitting Today, Lea-Ann provides support and guidance. We’ll do that through our mighty network group called PorchTalk (linked below), zoom meetings, and uploaded videos and discussions. All for free with your purchase.

Purchase the Project pack by June 24: https://knittingtoday.com/store/hand/hand-knitting-projects/garter-gusset-tee-project-pack/
Join the July 2020 KAL group for FREE at: https://porchtalk.knittingtoday.com/groups/2559712/feed

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