Fo Friday: watershed

Almost done. Just the collar and armholes to complete.


And now for the wrap-up. When it came off the needles on Thursday morning, there was a try on session. The result was a lot of dissapointment and tears on both Tara and my part. It just didn’t look as good as either of us had imagined. It was too wide, the armhole was too big and it didn’t drape right. Ugh! Since there wasn’t time to get anything else, we decided to go ahead and finish it.

So, Thursday night she ran Mystery Yarn Club while I picked up around the armholes to finish it off. Can you see the tape meaures? The simple armhole treatment took in two inches! It was pick up, purl a row and bind off. I did deviate from the instructions In that i used a needle two sizes smaller which resulted in two tight of an armhole so ripped out the bind off and redid it on the regular needle size.


Yeah! I’m so please to share this finished object. Yes, it was done in time, even steam blocked and for those of you who know me, YES! The ends were woven in. Tara sewed the dress with the help of Mary some afternoons at the store and she found the perfect crochet shoes from Tom’s. what do you think!


And, now it’s on to the next adventure …. What shall it be? Give me some suggestions.

Here’s our graduating girl! Go Tara! Hard to believe twenty years ago we chose for me to work for home and here we are.


P.S. I used most of two balls of yarn, 440 yards. Maybe I need one?

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