when Susan goes on vacation . . .

boxes to check in

Yes, this is what needs checked in yet.  And this what I spent the day checking in

new at knitting today

 And, Susan told me that when something needs fixed, it snowballs into the next thing needing fixed, and so on.  While I sort of believed her, I really didn’t realize the extent to how that works.  Believe me, I do now . . . here’s the scenario if you’re interest:

  I realized we needed some way to highlight Susan Guagliumi’s materials so I set up a category just for her at https://knittingtoday.com/go.mvc?ID=guagliumi.  And somehow that led me to look at the LK-150 category which needed cleaned up a bit: https://knittingtoday.com/go.mvc?ID=SRLAAP and since DAK was in there,  I remembered we needed to set up a Cochenille design software category and so now we have that and I needed to separate the rest of the software to clean it up at bit so the software category is now sub-divided.  Check it out at:  https://knittingtoday.com/go.mvc?ID=S

And while I was at it, I figured out the problem preventing July New from showing on the front page and fixed that: https://knittingtoday.com/go.mvc?ID=new0709 and the computer just crashed as I was cleaning up the crochet hook category: https://knittingtoday.com/go.mvc?ID=HOOK.  And, since I’ve been here since about 10 this morning and it is now after 5, and it is usually a good sign when the computer says “quit”, now the rest of the boxes will need to wait until I have more time to devote to them and I don’t know if it’ll be tomorrow as I need to do ‘Lea-Ann’s’ work then.  Hurry home, Susan!  Oh, did you wonder why I’m doing all this and not Susan?  She is on a mission trip to Kentucky and we are all praying for her safe travels and that the results of their time there are fruitful. 


1 thought on “when Susan goes on vacation . . .”

  1. Isn’t it amazing how the ripple effect takes place when you never want it to. This leads to that which leads to that which leads to this which leads to…. and so on and so on. I will keep my fingers crossed that things ease up for you soon. Now that the garage sale is over things should be less hectic for a few days then it will pick up again in my life but that goes with the territory, I guess.

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