Took me a while, but….

Encore Tweed

We’ve finally tied up all the loose ends from Stitches and I’ve been able to do my “real” job.  If you’ve been following the “New September” products you may have noticed that the new colors of Encore Tweed have been checked in, and are rapidly flying out the door. I’ve heard lots of positive comments from all who have used this. You really can’t go wrong with Encore and if you’re a tweed fan this yarn just makes sense. We also have new patterns to support the yarn.  Now in stock is Coffee Beenz, which is, again, an Encore base. It has a wrap in complimentary colors which provides sort of a marled look when knitted up. Also flying off the shelves.

New in the sock yarn category is Zino.  This reminds me of the Noro sock yarns as it stripes the same way, only it’s quite a bit softer, and the colors are more muted (not sure that’s the word I want but I’m not coming up with anything better at the moment). We’ve sold quite a bit of it, but it’s so new that I haven’t gotten any feedback yet. I expect nothing but good. I also expect to find some of it in my stash sooner rather than later. Because I really need it.

Rio- Yummy!

JUST checked in is Rio, and I gotta say I am seriously digging it. It’s an Alpaca, Merino, Silk blend.  Yeah, I know.  I don’t even need to mention how the silk lends such a wonderful sheen, and of course you can imagine how incredibly soft it is.   It is a bulky weight, thick-thin in rich colors that complete what is, to me, a perfect package.  You’ve probably already guessed that this will also somehow find it’s way home with me.  Once I can land on a color, that is.  Oh, I almost forgot- it’s supported by the Tahki Terra – Soft Sculpture book. If you click the link you’ll see three patterns for the Rio that are in the book.

Akayo Jacket

Now… for my absolute favorite, must have this, gotta knit this right now new pattern. The Ayako Jacket  from KnitWhits is seriously calling my name.  Very loudly.  Never mind that I was recently told to make a “Top Ten” list of my own.  Who cares if I have a few (or many) UFOs lurking in my baskets?  I will finish Sarah’s socks, I’ve started the second one and they’re only footies.  Won’t take me too long to whip that out.  And I will fix my sweater that I am not happy with.  Won’t take a terribly long time to take it apart, shorten the sleeves and re-assemble.  And I will block my neck warmer and get buttons on it.  Beyond that I make no promises because I have got. to. make. this!  Don’t tell Lea-Ann but I’ve already been browsing for the perfect color of Silk Garden.  Yes, I wan’t it that bad.

I have come to the conclusion that the only thing that could be worse than me working in a yarn shop is if I also had a part time job in a book store.  Then again, who needs money for food?

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