Reminiscing and Updating

TLDR (that means “To Long Did Not Read” for old folks like me):

New Equipment Leads to a Review of History

Well, I guess it was inevitable. I had to update to a new computer after the 2008 was not fast enough or had enough storage to operate the equipment for the webinars for the new online classes. In the process of updating, I had a chance to review some old videos. I did a live video exactly a year ago today, on 6/20/2018, and well, let’s talk about a trip down memory lane. I forgot we had done this video. You can watch the video if you want to view it as its kind of long. Anyways, Ruth Malich had given me a notebook full of memories. Looking through the notebook and watching this video brought back many happy scenes from the past and reminded me why Tom and I do what we do. She was my first cheerleader. She was the planner, the reminder-er, the glue that kept the knitting, tatting and crochet community together. And Ruth recently passed away. She was an integral part of the foundation of my business and she will be missed.

Moving Forward

It has been a year since I originally recorded the video and it is pretty raw. I am sharing it in the link above so anyone who wants to know a little more about who we are can check it out. The year of 2018 was a year of personal growth, planning, and finally here we are in 2019 leading to implementation. The bottom line is we are here to serve you, our customers and, finally, technology is cooperating with me! We’re in the middle of building, testing, and refining a new concept — the LK150 Success Academy, with a few of our most valued customers. What is this, you ask?

LK150 Success Academy

Yay! I’m so excited to be teaching again. And, the technology is being built now for a September launch. But, first, the courses we talked about in the 2018 Video, link up at the top there, are being launched and ran in August. If you bought a machine from me, you get the August course for free, whether you join me for a live presentation or not, I’ll be sending you the link.  But what about now?? Yes, June/July, I’m running trials and tests and figuring out how everything is going to work. And, you can join me for free and give me your feedback. Just sign up and let me know you are “interested” in the form below. I’ll send you an email with the link to the upcoming webinar so you can join in all the fun. {happy dance!}

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