
Porch Talk — where knitters gather: Inspiration, Education, Community

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Hi everyone, you may be wondering what the heck is happening at Knitting Today and with Lea-Ann, right? Or maybe not. But, anyways, here’s the update:

In 2010, I wrote down a vision of a virtual knitting club for knitters. It is a space I can hold Club meetings, KALs, and Courses as well as chitchat where we can get to know each other and build relationships.

Finally, after 3 false starts, I have found software that will do what I envisioned. You are hereby invited to join me at Knitting Today’s Porch Talk — where knitters gather.

In porch talk, you’ll find a Topic for hand knitters, LK150 owners, and Bond/ISM/USM owners. You may ask, why bother setting up a community when we have so many other free resources ….

EDUCATION: well, its a place to curate the information for the projects and classes I have been teaching for the past 26 years. I have information in 3-ring notebooks, videos on youtube, 4 groups on faceboook, and now instagram. I have notes saved in three different software programs, not to mention my website and various computer hard drives. In short, I find a lot of educational material tucked away that I want to share.

INSPIRATION: a place to share classes, projects, and ideas.

COMMUNITY: This is likely the most important. Over the years, Tom and I have welcomed many of you to our home and store, whether through retreats, classes, Friday Lunch Bunch and UFO night gatherings. When i closed the storefont, I found that I missed the informal meet-ups tremendously. I do have a small number of people join me at the Knitting Today Headquarters (the store) on Friday afternoons, but I have so many friends and customers I’ve met over the years that I wanted a place we can message, chat, and hang out whenever the desire hits. The software easily allows us to gather (thus the Porch Talk idea).

I hope you’ll join me on the Porch!

I hope you’ll join me on the Porch!

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