November 2017 News: backzip baby jacket, website design, family

Three Things for November, Thanksgiving 2017

  1. Website Design
  2. Back Zip baby jacket for an online colleague
  3. time with family

Website Design

One day while enroute to Great Lakes for a coffee, I just had this vision of what I want to look like. I had to pull off the road, and into a turnout at Cree Lake, to get it all on paper. This happens to me occasionally. Bam! Its like the clarity is just crystal clear and I have to get it out. The last time was when I envisioned the “studio” at Knitting Today as being a location and resource for those who want to teach classes of a sort (sewing, bible study, financial, knitting, etc.) and have no facilities to do so. While that hasn’t happened yet, I’m not ruling it out. But this vision, the website . . . . I really hope I can bring it to fruition because I think it’ll be a great resource for anyone who wants to talk Knitting. I’ll post here as I get things updated and figured out.

Back Zip Baby Jacket

I have an online colleague who is pregnant. She thought she would never have a baby as she had previously undergone cancer treatments. I’m soooo excited for her and her husband and their baby-to-come. I don’t do a whole lot of knitting for anyone except for myself and occasionally family, so this is a special event. Even my own grandkids had their sweaters knit by Lyn. I dug out the old standby Plymouth’s Back Zip Baby Jacket, saw that the gauge matches Stonehedge Shepherd’s Superwash DK and voila . . . I’m really enjoying taking time every day to work on it. I’m going to make a pair of Christine’s baby booties to go along with it. Do you have some old favorite standby projects for baby knitting? I’m really fascinated at how this hood came about and am going to try and interpret it to a machine project. And, I’m loving the Superwash DK and have ordered in all the colors. I’ll be updating the website as soon as possible so you can all experience it as well.


Things have changed a bit in our family. Tom now works 12 hour days. I NEVER see him anymore. It has forced me to focus all of my energy on a few things to support him including cooking and laundry. I have always said I’m not the maid, cook, or housekeeper. But, I have become all of that because that’s what we need to do in our family right now. That being said, I’m still headed over to the Studio on an “as-needed” basis so I can work on YouTube videos and try and get the “live” functions working. I want to work on the ClubKnit projects, but my energy level is just very low right now. Do you know what would help me? Knowing what you all want to see and need help with. I’m so people-oriented, I just need a kick in the pants to know that what I’m doing is going to help someone. Let me know what you need, okay?

I’m going to wrap up this November letter by saying a big “thank you” to all of you for being a part of my knitting life. Without you, Knitting Today would not be here, and I would have to find a J.O.B. for my people fix . . . enjoy your family, work on your projects, and I’ll talk with you all again when I have more to report.

— Lea-Ann

P.S. I just had to repair a $400 part in the Studio furnace that was not budgeted for. If you are so inclined, you can help me with business expenses by either purchasing a project at or buying the beta-subscriber membership level. I appreciate you! Also, if you come to Knit28, please enjoy the warm heat and think about throwing a couple of bucks in the pot to keep the heat on. Thanks!

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