Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone’s knitting is done, wrapped and under the Christmas tree. Mine isn’t. But no matter, Tom got his done. We leave shortly to celebrate Christ’s birth with our church family and then onward to an open house at Susan’s (shhh, tomorrow is her birthday too!). Then I just need to get the casserole in the fridge for breakfast and set out the bread dough to rise. Tomorrow, we’ll lounge around, enjoy each others company, and play with whatever gifts were given, and i’ll take some time to knit. I’m wearing my Cassidy right now and boy, does it feel good. I’m so glad I took time to make it and out of Stonehedge’s Shepherd’s Wool. I want to get a sweater done for each of the girls in it while it is still cold outside too. But, you know what? The spring issue of knitting today! magazine is arriving and we will have spring yarns in stock within the next couple of weeks. That just blows my mind! I would love to take a trip somewhere warm so i can get in the mood to knit with something other than wool right now. See you all next week. The Knitting Today end-of-year Inventory Blowout sale is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10-4. Closed Wed, Fri and Sat next week.

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, may safe travels, good health, and God’s blessings be with you! Merry Christmas! Lea-Ann

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