Knit Happy Club 2012 commences

ETA on 10/12: We have a make-up meeting scheduled for October 16, 1-3 — call the store to register. Thereafter, meetings will commence with the regular group.

Wow! We had our first meeting yesterday and I’m so excited! Why? I get to learn, teach and practice new techniques. The lesson was on provisional cast on, of which I reviewed four and the class practiced one. Do you use a provisional cast on? Why? Which One? There was some new ideas presented and issues solved with everyone helping each other out.

The social aspect of Club gives everyone a chance to get to know another person and this month’s talk was on “personality”. What yarn personality are you? And why? Go ahead and let me know in the blog comments.

Pattern-wise, the tri-color lace shawl club exclusive pattern is beautiful and I’m tasked with cutting it down and making it into a scarf pattern using 220 Superwash Sport and have the kits ready for November club pick-up.  In the meantime, we’re planning for November’s project which is a two-color tweed zip bag. The color choices range from brights to neutrals and Nature Spun from Brown Sheep and Shepherd’s Wool Worsted are the two yarns of choice. I can’t wait to teach this tweed technique.

Pictures are lacking from this post because I was too busy teaching to take any 🙁 . . . will have to find a way to remedy that for future posts.

The next Club is Thursday, 10/4 6-8pm; and repeated Saturday, 10/6 10-12.  We’ll have a Tuesday make-up session October 16 if enough new people register. Mark your calendar for the regular meetings the 1st Tues 2-4, Thurs 6-8 and Sat 10-12 of each month, October to March, and the cost is $60. There is still time to join up, just call me at 260-351-2260 or email me at

Happy Knitting!

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