I’m tired of ….

… living in a bubble, isolated from other knitters and friends. I want Tom’s cancer to be over and his body to be healthy. But then I realize it isn’t just his cancer causing this issue, its the whole world and Corona-19. I’m having trouble with allergies (I hope) right now. I posted last year at this time about being sick and my asthma flaring when I try walking, so I’m fairly sure it is seasonal. But, I cough while I’m talking to my grandkids and they yell … do you have the ‘rona? Oh my word. What is our world coming to? But it isn’t just the physical aspects of all this … its a mindset, and my mental and physical health can be protected and fixed. So, as we took our first adventure since Tom’s first hospitalization in November of last year, I celebrate my 55th birthday doing things I love: visiting a freshwater lake, eating perch, having ice cream, and hanging out with my hubby on the beach! And I feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready!

I’m tired of …. being depressed. I think of all my knitting friends I have been missing for the past six years and wonder what is happening in their lives, what project they are working on, what they are learning new. And, I am grieving, my friends. I’m introverting, anxious and depressed. I have been for the last several years. But, I realize I can either sit here in my bubble and be depressed or I can reach out and spend {virtual} time with friends. I have a phone, I can call. I have a keyboard, I can type. I have a webcam, I can video chat. I don’t have to wait for someone to reach out to me.

So I am making changes ….

And I’m going back to what has been in front of me all this time. It’s right here. What God has given me as a purpose all my life — family and friends. And, my dears, you are my knitting friends! I MISS YOU! I miss seeing you, talking to you, helping you. I need people! Where and how can I be involved in your life? It’s here, right in front of me! I’m going to stop bellyaching about learning new technology. I’m going to stop worrying about being perfect enough. And I’m just going to push the publish button and get this out there …. Just post ….. And, if you comment here, I’ll reply back. If you want to chat daily, head over to porchtalk.knittingtoday.com and join with other knitters. Or, if you are on other platforms, join me on facebook or Instagram. But let’s not isolate. Let’s go virtual! Are you in?

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