February KnittingU: increases

KnittingU: February 2014
Why Do I Need This Class?
I can hear you now. I already know how to increase so why do I need this class? Do this little, um, swatch (I know how much we all love to do swatches!) for me:

Cast on 10 stitches (sts).
Knit one row.
K 2 sts, increase (inc), K 6 sts, inc, K 2 sts.

Did you have two stitches left at the end to knit? What type of increase did you use? This will jump start our discussion pertaining to what do you already know?

We will cover these basic increase methods:
loop increase
lifted increase
And, we’ll make sure you:
know how to do them
when to do them
how to know if you did them already
learn to use them to count rows
and what to do if that darn YO is followed by a purl.
But then, we have some other things to learn:
how to use increases for decorative and functional (YO backwards and forwards + pair decreases; Crow’s foot increase; beginning of the row methods: cable cast on, knitted on cast on)
new-to-me increase method 1: how to add stitches at the end of the row and NOT leave a gap
new-to-me increase method 2: how to do a lifted “nearly invisible” increase.
These techniques belong in your arsenal of knitting tricks. Don’t miss out!

Join us to learn more:

Saturday, February 1, 10-12
Tuesday, February 4, 2-4
Thursday, February 6, 6-8 (we might have Evan at this class!)

Cost: $20. Call260-351-2260 to register.

Here’s the SNOW SCOOP:
Saturday at 8:00 – call or text my cell phone at 260-499-0406 and I will let you know if class is cancelled or rescheduled.
Tuesday and Thursday – if Prairie Heights is cancelled, we are cancelled. If the afternoon weather is questionable, same as above.

If we have to cancel a class for some reason, I will not reschedule it for the next week as I had been doing. I will simply tack it on to the end of the schedule. You are always welcome to attend a different class if necessary.

NOTE: Due to the amount of accumulated snow and lack of parking, we will NOT be holding Superbowl Sunday knit in.

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