Anatomy of A Sweater: Part 1

Welcome to the first Knit-a-long on the Knitting Today Blog! I’ll be going step-by-step and asking questions, figuring out answers while knitting along on my Hayley Hoodie.

First thing,  get the pattern and the yarn. The Hayley Hoodie has a measurement of 32-35, 36-39, 40-43, 44-47 and you want to make it 2″ to 3″ bigger than bust. You’ll need 850 (950, 1150, 1200) yards of #4 medium weight yarn.

I’ve taken the time to find some lovely choices in Knitting Today. When I first wanted to do this project several months ago, I wanted to do it out of Dream in Color Classy. Well, we didn’t have enough purple in stock for me to do it, so I chose Shepherd’s Wool. Now, we have the new colors of Classy in stock and I wish I had waited but my Shepherd’s Wool looks awesome and will feel great so I’ll choose another project for the Classy.  Included in the picture are some other great alternative yarns: Cotton Fleece, Julia, Creative Focus Superwash, Creative Focus Worsted, Galway, Ty-Dy, and Encore. I love all the color choices in these yarns. It just depends on what color or if you want superwash.

After researching more about it, the Hayley Hoodie is actually made out of a cotton.  It surprised me but it would be a nice summer hoodie or fall. Oh well, mine is going to be wool. The recommended gauge is 18 stitches = 4″ — we’ll address that in the next post. Off to knit.  I’m ready to get mine done because it’s chilly but warming up.

Please post a comment if you’ll be knitting along with us and if you need help picking out your yarn, just give us a call at the store!

3 thoughts on “Anatomy of A Sweater: Part 1”

  1. If I hadn’t just finished Hey Teach (except for sewing on the buttons) and didn’t already have another sweater started I would do this one. Might have to keep it in mind for the next one.

  2. Pingback: Knitting Today Celebrates 10 YearsLaGrange County Insider Secrets Blog | LaGrange County Insider Secrets Blog

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