today’s work . . . some success and some failure

The Failure

So, today I’m working on getting the “after login” page useable. I want everyone to be able to see the courses they are enrolled in and be able to access the latest blog posts and forum posts. Was it a success? Well, no. I’m waiting for support to answer an email and tell me what shortcode to use for the page. Its not going well 🙁 . . . .

so I decided I’d work on blocking Stormy Weather. I just need to get it wet and lay it out to dry sort of stretching the lower part of the sleeve to accommodate my fat forearms. When I pulled it out of the bin, I noticed strings hanging from the hood and sleeve. Duh! I forgot I’d taken one of the sleeves apart to fix the cuff bind-off. Sigh!

stormy weather ends

I go on the hunt for my Chibis. What a mess my office is after bringing home things from the store. Nothing has a permanent home yet and I can’t lay my hands on what I want. I’m so frustrated. I spent an hour looking around in baskets, bags, and even a suitcase. Hah! Look what is in plain site on my desk!


The Success

Ugh! I’m closing up the office. Done for the day. Going to get outside for a short drive and refresh my head. I wish I had $3000 to just hire someone to make this all work so we could get busy with the task of Knitting.  If you’d like to help fund this, just purchase the beta-Subscriber package. 

Tomorrow’s a new day!


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