Knitting Today! Magazine March/April 2011 25+ Patterns Charming Knits for Spring


Availability: 11 in stock

SKU: ktmag-marc2011 Category:

Knitting Today ! Magazine March/April 2011 issue 25+ Charming Knits for Spring

Winter, naturally, is an active time for knitters, but Spring is also a great season for yourself. In this issue, we have versatile looks that you can layer during March’s fickle weather.

This issue also features: easy, washable projects for your home. Perfect gifts for new moms. 25+ charming knits for Spring. 3 ways to dye yarn. and much more!

Now known asĀ “Your Knitting Life”

Edward bear clothes pattern rain gear

Edward bear pattern itself is found in issue November/December 2010
Anastasia bear pattern itself is found in issue January/ Febuary 2011

Weight 7 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × .5 in


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