Mystery Yarn Club 2016: Mid-april update

[wlm_nonmember]Testing, testing. This post is for Mystery Yarn Club members only. If you are not a member of the MYC2016, you should not be able to see anything below this post. Sorry!! [/wlm_nonmember]

[wlm_private “CLUB-Mystery032016”]

Hello [wlm_firstname], comment below if you see this picture!


Thanks! [/wlm_private]


9 thoughts on “Mystery Yarn Club 2016: Mid-april update”

  1. Hi, this is Lea-Ann as Administrator . . . I can see it when logged in. Can’t wait to get it in my hands!!

  2. Went to Lorna’s site and these are beautiful yarns!
    Saw this pic but anxious to see the shawlette.
    See you soon!

    1. She has regained her enthusiasm for dyeing, sewing and crafting lately. I’m hopeful we can schedule a hangout time with her during the meet-up.

  3. Sorry I’m so late in posting a comment! Been way to busy. I can see the picture. Looking forward to handling the yarn and seeing the pattern.

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