I have a secret!

Truth be told I have a whole folder of secrets.  Good secrets- not the kind the snobby girls whisper on the playground but the kind that make you try to hide an anticipatory smile.  I have on my desk, under my right elbow at this very moment all the purchase orders Lea-Ann placed at TNNA.  I will be spending my days getting things around to receive these beauties the minute they come through the door.  Some will be coming soon, others are for fall.  If you sit on the website you will see them momentarily flash on the screen as I set them up, only to do a frantic search a few moments later when they disappear.  Sometimes when I am putting new products on I giggle when I think of some yarnaholic searching over and over for something that was there just moments before but is nowhere to be found now.  She knows it was there- she is not crazy, so where did it go?!!  I have just a tiny streak of wicked running through me and I find the thought of this too funny. (I can hear you laughing so don’t pretend that you don’t think it’s funny, too)  I will take this opportunity to apologize if you are one of the above mentioned yarnaholics.  I do not plan to tease you.  It’s just a perk of the job. ;-) 

I am very good at keeping secrets, so you’ll just have to pop in every now and again to find out what’s new.

Take time to knit today- Susan

2 thoughts on “I have a secret!”

  1. Susan I feel you are laughing at me but I will not hold it against you. I admit, I stalk the site waiting for new things to come along and when something new pops up I am excited, but then I check back and it is gone. I never once thought you were pulling my leg I just thought someone else got to it and off the web site it went. Lucky them. Now your secret is out just when stalking the web site might be what keeps me sane in the coming months. Oh well just goes to show you how naive I am.

  2. I really, really think you could have given us some hints… I mean come on, it’s so hard to live vicariously through you if there are no HINTS… Maybe you could have a little contest in the store to see if we can figure out the new stuff.. nothing like a good scavenger hunt!! I took time for knitting today..

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