Back and working

Hi everyone, I had to take a little hiatus from clubKnit and think about the structure, layout and purpose of my business, Knitting Today, and how clubKnit fits in. I’m debating about whether my business is too broad trying to teach hand and lk or USM knitters. Strictly hand knitters vote yes, hand only. But my roots have always been getting hand knitted things done on the machine that are possible so I can focus on the hand that is not possible.  I’m sticking with my purpose of teaching both. It’s does create a level of dimension to the website though as I’m building it so I can be sure it’s navigable by both hand and machine knitters. So, there we go.

In the past week, the website for has been relocated in order to save me money. So, for the immediate future, I need to work on setting it back up and getting information on there that is now missing. I have to find other ways to cut out overhead because I want my business to be about the education, not the revenue.

I’m also working on a sweater project I’d like to host as a KAL here in clubKnit. While I’m doing that, I’m shipping out the first mystery yarn club delivery from Zombie Yarns. And, I’m thinking of what our July project will be as well as making plans for attending TNNA which is in D.C. next month and for Launch Out in St Louis in July. Both of those events inspire me and educate me. But my dream is to make it back to Meg Swansen’s oft-timers knitting camp once again. That’s where the knitting minds really gather.

And, I’m thinking about all those UFOs in my cubes and whether I want to do then our gift them to someone else (the magic art if tidying up, anyone?). I just blogged about that at

I’m also working on being a healthy me…stretching with a tv show called sit and be fit, walking with my fitbit (trying to reach 5000 steps a day), eating regular meals, and drinking more water daily.

My days are packed!! And it’s not with knitting time. What are you building, dreaming, our knitting?

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